What are the two mechanisms that cause ACL injury?

ACL injuries can happen when the foot is planted firmly, the knee locks and twists or pivots at the same time. It is common when an athlete attempts to change direction rapidly. This sudden change puts tremendous strain on the ACL, which can lead to the injury and resulting slow-motion replay.

What is the mechanism of the ACL?

In summary, the current literature clearly suggests that sagittal plane biomechanics are the major mechanism of ACL loading. Decreased knee flexion angle and increased quadriceps muscle force and posterior ground reaction force causing an increased knee extension moment are requirements for increased ACL loading.

What is the mechanism of injury for a posterior cruciate ligament sprain?

Injury most often occurs when a force is applied to the anterior aspect of the proximal tibia when the knee is flexed. Hyperextension and rotational or varus/valgus stress mechanisms also may be responsible for PCL tears. Injuries may be isolated or combined with other ligamentous injuries.

What is ACL sprain?

An ACL injury is a tear or sprain of the anterior cruciate (KROO-she-ate) ligament (ACL) — one of the strong bands of tissue that help connect your thigh bone (femur) to your shinbone (tibia).

What is the most common injury mechanism for an MCL sprain of the knee?

Typical Mechanism of Injury: The MCL is most commonly sprained from a direct blow to the outside of the knee. The MCL may also be injured with an excessive outward twist when the foot is planted on the ground. This is seen more commonly on surfaces that have increased friction, like artificial turf and courts.

Which ligament is most likely to get damaged when the mechanism of injury is falling on a flexed knee?

Definition/Description. A medial collateral ligament (MCL) injury is a stretch, partial tear, or complete tear of the ligament on the inside of the knee. It is one of the most common knee injuries and results mostly from a valgus force on the knee.

What is mechanism of injury assessment?

The mechanism of injury describes how, with what force, and to which part of the body the patient was injured. Significant mechanisms of injury include: ejection from vehicle.

Can an ACL be sprained?

An ACL injury is either a tear or sprain. An ACL tear is when the ACL is actually torn. The tear can be complete or partial. An ACL sprain is when the ACL is overstretched (but not torn).

How do you injure your ACL?

An ACL injury can occur if you:

  1. Get hit very hard on the side of your knee, such as during a football tackle.
  2. Overextending your knee joint.
  3. Quickly stop moving and change direction while running, landing from a jump, or turning.