What area is district 2 in Sacramento?

District 2 is located in the northeastern area of Sacramento. The district includes the neighborhoods of: Arden Fair. Ben Ali.

What are the districts in Sacramento County?

Board of Supervisors

  • DISTRICT 1. Phil Serna.
  • DISTRICT 2. Patrick Kennedy.
  • DISTRICT 3. Rich Desmond. Vice Chair.
  • DISTRICT 4. Sue Frost.
  • DISTRICT 5. Don Nottoli. Chair.

How many districts are in Sacramento County?

five supervisorial
Each is elected​ from one of the five supervisorial districts of the County.

Is Natomas in Sacramento city limits?

Natomas is generally defined as south of the Sacramento County line, north of the Garden Highway and the American River, west of the Natomas East Main Drain, and east of the Sacramento River. The neighborhood school district is Natomas Unified School District.

Who is Sacramento mayor?

Darrell SteinbergSacramento / Mayor

How much do Sacramento council members make?

In 2019, the commission raised the council salaries a significant amount — from $71,850 to $91,915.

What is considered the greater Sacramento area?

The Greater Sacramento metro area covers El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba counties. GSEC coordinates a cooperative effort with all the municipalities in our region.

What district is Natomas in?

The third district encompasses the East Sacramento, River Park, Sacramento State, the Downtown Railyards, the River District, South Natomas, Gardenland and Northgate neighborhoods.

How old is Darrell Steinberg?

62 years (October 15, 1959)Darrell Steinberg / Age

How much do Sacramento City Council members make?

The commission has been granting raises to the mayor and council for the last several years. In 2019, the commission raised the council salaries a significant amount — from $71,850 to $91,915.