What causes navicular fracture?

Navicular stress fractures are often caused by repetitive stress placed on the foot. The injury usually happens to athletes who play sports that involve running, jumping, or twisting. These activities pinch the navicular between the ankle bone and the cuneiform bones. Over time, this force can cause a stress fracture.

Is a navicular fracture serious?

Navicular fractures and other foot and ankle issues can become much worse without proper treatment, resulting in far more serious issues that require much more extensive treatment and recovery and can even result in permanent disability.

How do you treat a navicular fracture?

Most treatment options for navicular fractures in your foot or wrist are non-surgical and focus on resting the injured area for six to eight weeks in a non-weight-bearing cast. Surgical treatment is generally chosen by athletes wanting to return to normal activity levels at a faster rate.

How is a navicular fracture diagnosed?

A history and physical exam are important ways for diagnosing a navicular stress fracture. Physical examination will show tenderness across the top of the foot. Standing X-rays may reveal a fracture line. However, X-rays may appear normal in the early stages of the stress fracture.

How common are navicular fractures?

To start us off into the world of rare pathologies, we will be covering navicular fractures this week. A navicular fracture is rare but can be seen, especially in athletes.

How do you diagnose a navicular stress fracture?

How long does it take for a navicular bone fracture to heal?

It will take about 6 weeks for most people to heal. The goals of treatment are to manage pain and support the bone as it heals. This may include: Medicine to ease pain and swelling.

How common is navicular fracture?

A navicular fracture is rare but can be seen, especially in athletes. First, lets talk about what and where the navicular bone is. The navicular is a bone in the foot also known as the scaphoid bone. It is located towards the inside of the foot (medially) between the heel and the metatarsals.