What country is 7 hours ahead of Toronto?

Time Difference Between Toronto and Major Cities

City, Country DST Active Now Hours Ahead(+)/ Behind(-) Toronto
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia No 7
Adelaide, Australia No 13.5
Ahmedabad, India No 9.5
Ajman, United Arab Emirates No 8

What place is 12 hours ahead of Canada?

Thailand is 12 hours ahead of the center of Canada. For more accuracy, choose specific cities for each location. For example, compare Corner Brook, Canada to Thailand with Rankin Inlet, Canada to Thailand.

What time zone is 2 hours ahead of Canada?

Newfoundland Time Zone – Wikipedia.

Is BC always 3 hours behind Ontario?

Schedule a phone call from Ontario to British Columbia This will be between 7AM – 11PM their time, since British Columbia is 3 hours behind Ontario.

Is Toronto and Ontario the same?

Toronto is in Canada. It is the capital city of the province of Ontario. It is situated on the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario and forms part of the border between Canada and the United States.

Is Ontario bigger than British Columbia?

British Columbia is not even the biggest province in Canada. It is fifth on the list of largest provinces. Nunavut (808,200 m²), Quebec (595,391 m²), Northwest Territories (519,734 m²) and Ontario (415,598 m²) are all bigger.

How far ahead is Canada time?

If you live in Canada and you want to call a friend in United States, you can try calling them between 8:00 AM and 12:00 AM your time. This will be between 7AM – 11PM their time, since United States is 1 hour behind Canada.

Why is Ontario a good place to live?

Ontario generally has good job opportunities, and all the major towns are safe, clean, and have good public facilities. It is culturally diverse and offers a lot of options for foreigners. Ontario does have its fair share of tourist attractions which means there are plenty of visitors year-round driving the economy.