What did Periyar say?

Periyar said “Bane of Tamils is Brahmins, Muslims and Christians consider themselves to Tamilans”. In his book “Vedangalin Vandavalangal”, he had separate chapters where he criticized Quran and Bible. He was against evangelical movement of DGS Dinakaran and fought with him on this issue.

What Periyar said about god?

His rationalism in relation to religion can be summed up in the following slogan which he popularised throughout his post-nationalist political career: “He who created god is a fool, he who propagates god is a scoundrel, and he who worships god is a barbarian.” Given this disenchanted view of religion, he described in …

Why did Periyar say Tamil is a barbaric language?

“Periyar was of the strong view that Tamil is a barbarian language because it never grew to the needs of the present day. He felt there is no growth in it and there is no science in it. Mere literary works in Tamil won’t help today.

Are Tamil Brahmins Dravidians?

Linguistically, Tamil Brahmins are Dravidians. Culturally, Tamil Brahmins are primarily Dravidian, secondary Indo-Aryan (Sanskrit). Racially, there are some Tamil Brahmin displaying Caucasoid-Dravidoid mixtures in various degrees. Many Tamil Brahmins are pure Dravidoids though.

Did Periyar supported Hindi?

Both Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru were supporters of Hindi and Congress wanted to propagate the learning of Hindi in non-Hindi speaking provinces of India. The idea of making Hindi the common language forcefully, was not acceptable to Periyar, who viewed it as an attempt to make Tamils subordinate to North Indians.

Why was Periyar against all religions 8?

He felt that all religious authorities saw social divisions and inequality as God-given.

Who started Dravidian movement?

The Dravidian movement in British India started with the formation of the Justice Party on 20 November 1916 in Victoria Public Hall in Madras by C. Natesa Mudaliar along with T. M. Nair and P. Theagaraya Chetty as a result of a series of non-Brahmin conferences and meetings in the presidency.

What is Naicker caste?

Palayakkara Naicker is a Telugu caste found in the state of Tamil Nadu in India They are variously known as Palayakkara Naidu, Palayakkaran, Muthiriya Naidu and Muthiriya Naicker. Their ancestors were soldiers in what is now the state of Andhra Pradesh, where they served the polygars.

Is there any Brahmin regiment in Indian Army?

Historically, Brahmin–Baniyas never established a Brahmin–Baniya Regiment in the Indian army to protect India. The Indian army had/has a Mahar Regiment, Ahir (Yadav) Regiment, Jat Regiment, Gurkha Regiment and so on. But never was there a Brahmin Regiment in the army.

Why do Tamilians not speak Hindi?

Because it is foreign language to us. However, lot of Tamils learn foreign languages and some of them are even fluent.

Why is Tamil Nadu opposing Hindi?

Efforts by the Indian government to make Hindi the sole official language after 1965 were not acceptable to many non-Hindi Indian states, who wanted the continued use of English. The Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK), a descendant of Dravidar Kazhagam, led the opposition to Hindi.

Does Periyar hate Brahmins and Brahminism?

Periyar sprinkles the works liberally with vile abuses of Brahmins and Brahminism is hardly mentioned. In fact, Annadurai, who was the chief disciple of Periyar, lamented in a piece written in March 1956 that Dravidar Kazhagam members considered it rank cowardice to speak about Brahminism when the intention was to annihilate Brahmins.

Was Periyar a Brahmin hegemon?

The hegemony that the professors say Periyar was addressing is starkly singular. Periyar had his blinkers on and they made him see only the Brahmin hegemon and none else.

What did Periyar do to combat Brahmanical influence on society?

To Periyar, this was a step against non-Brahmins and he protested against it with such vehemence that Rajgopalachari had to resign from the post of chief minister. He continued his struggle to combat Brahmanical influence on society and offer a fair chance to Dravidians across all levels.

Are Brahmins irredeemable?

Periyar keeps making it clear that Brahmins, having been born Brahmins, are irredeemable. For instance, in an interview given to the Current magazine on March 6, 1959, there is a question asked: “Do you mean to say that Brahmins, by the very fact that they were born Brahmins, can never have honest intentions?”