What did the HMS Challenger expedition discover?

Among the Challenger Expedition’s discoveries was one of the deepest parts of the ocean—the Marianas Trench in the western Pacific, where the seafloor is 26,850 feet, or more than 4 miles deep (8,200 meters). The deepest place in all the oceans is near where the Challenger took its sounding.

What was the significance of the Challenger Expedition?

Many consider it to be the first true oceanographic expedition because it yielded a wealth of information about the marine environment. Those aboard identified many organisms then new to science, and they gathered data at 362 oceanographic stations on temperature, currents, water chemistry, and ocean floor deposits.

What did the HMS Challenger II discover?

Deep Discoveries Halfway through the journey, in the spring of 1875, Challenger made one of its greatest discoveries: the Mariana Trench, containing the deepest point on Earth. The Mariana Trench is located near Guam, about 1,500 miles east of the Philippines.

When was the second Challenger Expedition?

Challenger Expedition, prolonged oceanographic exploration cruise from Dec. 7, 1872, to May 26, 1876, covering 127,600 km (68,890 nautical miles) and carried out through cooperation of the British Admiralty and the Royal Society.

Where is HMS Challenger now?

The United States Space Shuttle Challenger was named after the ship. Her figurehead is on display in the foyer of the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton.

Which country headed the Challenger expedition?

The expedition, led by Captain George Nares, sailed from Portsmouth, England, on 21 December 1872. Other naval officers included Commander John Maclear.

When did the Challenger expedition start?

The Challenger expedition of 1872–1876 was a scientific program that made many discoveries to lay the foundation of oceanography.

What happened to the HMS Challenger when it arrived in New Holland?

On 10 March 1829, HMS Challenger under the command of Captain Fremantle set sail from the Cape. On the morning of 2 May the Captain and party from the ship landed on the mainland and took formal possession of the west coast of New Holland in the name of His Majesty the King.

Is the ocean floor flat?

The oceans’ floors are not a flat, sandy expanse – they are every bit as varied as the landscapes above water, with plunging valleys and huge mountains.

What happened to HMS Challenger?

The United States Space Shuttle Challenger was named after the ship. Her figurehead is on display in the foyer of the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton….HMS Challenger (1858)

Builder Woolwich Dockyard
Launched 13 February 1858
Decommissioned Chatham Dockyard, 1878
Fate Broken for scrap, 1921

What happened to the HMS Parmelia when it landed on the west coast of New Holland?

She was destroyed by fire in an English dockyard 1 May 1839. Passengers in 1829 included James and Ellen Stirling, colonial secretary Peter Broun, storekeeper John Morgan, harbourmaster Capt Mark Currie, surveyor J.S.

When did the HMS Challenger arrive in Australia?