What do you say on Orthodox Christmas Serbian?
What do you say on Orthodox Christmas Serbian?
Instead of greeting each other with the usual “Dobar dan” or “Zdravo” (Hello), Serbs use the traditional greeting which is the most common way to say Happy/Merry Christmas: “Христос се роди” (Cyrillic Letters) / Hristos se rodi (Latin Alphabet), which is the pandan to the Christmas greetings in English.
What do you give a Serbian for Christmas?
The meal is lavish with pecenica (roast pork), meat sarma (stuffed cabbage), baked ham, sausage, roast potatoes, parslied potatoes, and desserts galore—nutroll, cheese strudel, apple strudel, drum torte—fresh and dried fruits and, of course, slivovitz and strong, dark Turkish coffee.
How do Serbian Orthodox celebrate Christmas?
A Serbian man cuts branches from an oak tree for Orthodox Christmas celebrations. In many parts of the Balkans, the tradition involves the male head of the household chopping branches off an oak tree and bringing them home on the morning of Christmas Eve.
What do Serbians say on Christmas Eve?
Stepping across the threshold, right foot first, the man greets his gathered family with the words “Good evening and happy Christmas Eve to you.” The woman of the house greets him back, saying “May God give you well-being, and may you have good luck”, or “Good luck to you, and together with you for many years to come [ …
What is srecan Bozic?
merry Christmas Phrase. en good wishes at Christmas time.
Why do Serbians celebrate Christmas on the 7th?
Probably the most confusing thing about Serbia to foreigners —after the fact that it is not Siberia— is that Christmas is celebrated on 7 January. Technically, however, it is not. It is celebrated on 25 December according to the Julian calendar, which is still in use by the Serbian Orthodox Church.
Why do Serbians celebrate Christmas in January?
Many Orthodox Christians annually celebrate Christmas Day on or near January 7 to remember Jesus Christ’s birth, described in the Christian Bible. This date works to the Julian calendar that pre-dates the Gregorian calendar, which is commonly observed.
Why is Serbian Christmas in January?