What does 3Rw mean?

When you see ‘3Rw’ this indicates to move both of the right most layers in either a clockwise or anti-clockwise rotations. When you see ‘3Lw’ this indicates to move both of the left most layers in either a clockwise or anti-clockwise rotations.

What can I use to lubricate my cube?

Silicon-Based. Silicon-based lubricants are a highly popular and effective way to lubricate cubes. Silicone sprays leave a smooth coat of lube over the cube’s plastic to make it glide smoothly over other surfaces, thus making your cube turn smoother.

What is the best type of lube for Rubik’s Cube?

Is there a Rubik’s cube 5x5x5 solver?

It’s finally here – Rubik’s Professor’s Cube Solver (5x5x5)! You guys have repeatedly requested that we make a Rubik’s Cube 5x5x5 Solver so we decided to give it a try. We are proud to present the world’s FIRST and ONLY online Professor’s Cube Solver. This is still an early version so we will appreciate your feedback.

How to use the Rubik’s Cube solver?

How To Use The Rubik’s Cube Solver? 1. Pick a view Start by selecting the most suitable view for you with the little tabs above the cube. The default 3D view can be customized, setting transparent front faces or you can lift the hidden faces. Rotate the cube with the arrows or swiping the screen.

What size Lube do I need for my Rubik’s Cube?

When choosing a lube, there is no one size fits all as it depends on the Rubik’s Cube being used and the Cuber. Different lubes affect Cubes differently.

How do I solve the professor’s cube 5x5x5?

Use the color palette to paint the cube – select a color by clicking or tapping it, then click or tap the tiles you want to use the selected color for. Drag or swipe the cube to rotate it. When finished hit the “Solve” button and the step by step guide for solving your Professor’s Cube 5x5x5 will be displayed to you.