What does Lel stand for in chat?

“Lel,” for example, is a form of “lol.” As the Urban Dictionary helpfully explains: Unlike what many people think lel is not an acronym in the same fashion that LOL is (it does not mean laughing extremely loud, laughing extra loud or similar).

What does LML mean on Facebook?

LML is an internet slang acronym standing for, depending on context, laughing mad loud or love my life.

What does LFL stand for?


Acronym Definition
LFL Looking for Love
LFL Loser for Life
LFL Lot for Lot
LFL Libertarians for Life

What does Loe mean in Facebook?


Acronym Definition
LOE Love, As Ever (complimentary closing to letters of endearment)
LOE Landing on Earth
LOE Limit Of Exploitation
LOE Loss Of Effect

What do you mean by LEL and UEL?

Lower explosive limit (LEL): the lowest concentration of gas or vapour which will burn or explode if ignited. Upper explosive limit (UEL): the highest concentration of gas or vapour which will burn or explode if ignited. From the LEL to the UEL, the mixture is explosive. Below the LEL, the mixture is too lean to burn.

What does LEL mean in French?

Meanings of “lel” with other terms in English French Dictionary : 1 result(s)

Category French
Material Safety
1 Material Safety limite inférieure d’explosivité

What does LMLY stand for?

leave me loving you
“LMLY stands for: leave me loving you,” Wang explains. “[It] is a continuous concept from my single, ‘Pretty Please’, but with a different love story.

What is MOE stand for?


Acronym Definition
MOE Ministry of Education
MOE Maintenance of Effort
MOE Margin Of Error
MOE Ministry Of Environment

Is Poe a word?

POE is not a valid scrabble word.

What is LEL and Hel?

Before a fire or explosion can occur, three conditions must be met simultaneously. A fuel (ie. combustible gas) and oxygen (air) must exist in certain proportions, along with an ignition source, such as a spark or flame.