What does Swiss chard look like in the garden?

The leaves are lime-green on white stalks. The leaves grow more than a foot long and near 10 inches wide. It is an open-pollinated variety that is ready to harvest in 50 days. Perpetual is an open-pollinated chard that has tasty, smooth leaves that taste like spinach and are ready to harvest in 50 days.

How long does it take for Swiss chard to grow?

Harvesting Swiss chard The fully-formed leaves will be ready to harvest about 10-12 weeks after sowing, but late summer sowings may take a little longer. Cut individual leaves as you need them and the plant will keep producing new growth.

How do you know when chard is ready to harvest?

Harvest Swiss chard when the leaves are tender and big enough to eat. Swiss chard is ready for picking 30 days after sowing if you want baby leaves. Harvest chard 45 to 60 days after sowing if you want full-sized leaves with a thick midrib.

How do you identify Swiss chard?

Chard, Swiss (Beta vulgaris, Cicla group) Each leaf has a long, usually white, fleshy petiole or stem although novel varieties exist that have yellow, reddish or orange petioles. Leaf color varies from medium to deep green. Seeds are corky, similar to beet seeds.

Does chard come back every year?

Swiss chard is a biennial, so it will grow for two years, surviving the winters in areas where temperatures do not dip below 15 degrees F. After the second year of growth, your chard plant will start to produce seed and it will not grow back the following year.

How often should I water chard?

Like all vegetables, Swiss chard does best with a nice, even supply of water. Water regularly, applying 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week if it doesn’t rain.

Will Swiss chard regrow after cutting?

It is one of few vegetables that tolerates both hot and cold temperatures. Harvest either by cutting just the outer stalks with scissors or a sharp knife or cut a whole young plant off an inch or two above the soil. It will regrow.

What is wrong with Swiss chard?

If your Swiss chard leaves have brown, water-soaked spots or if the midrib of the leaves starts looking decayed, it’s likely that the plants are suffering from bacterial soft rot.