What does the equilibrium model of island biogeography predict?

The core model of the theory, the equilibrium model of island biogeography, predicts that species diversity on an island is positively related to the size of the island, but negatively related by the island’s distance to the mainland.

Why does species richness increase with area?

Area increases diversity because a larger plot is likely to have more habitats, hence niches, to support a greater variety of species. In addition, many species require a large range for adequate prey or seed forage.

What is the relationship between biodiversity and equilibrium?

Equilibrium biodiversity represents the overall number of species in a system at equilibrium (see Glossary). The biodiversity balance is the difference between pre- and post-forcing equilibrium biodiversity, and could be higher (biodiversity accrual), lower (biodiversity loss), or the same as before the forcing event.

Which of the following factors increase the equilibrium number of species on an island or patch?

Explanation: The equilibrium number of species expected on an island increases with immigration and decreases with extinction.

What is equilibrium species richness?

At some value of species richness, the two lines cross, indicating that immigration and extinction rates are equal. At that point, species richness is at equilibrium. In this figure, equilibrium species richness is a little less than 400 species.

What does the equilibrium model of island biogeography propose as the balance for determining species richness?

The equilibrium theory of island biogeography (McArthur & Wilson, 1967) was advanced to explain this observation. The theory proposes that an island’s biota is determined by a dynamic balance between the immigration of new species to the island and the extinction of species already present (McArthur & Wilson, 1967).

What increases species richness?

Species richness increases in response to increasing tide range, increasing wave energy, decreasing sand particle size and in flatter and wider beaches. This means that macrofaunal species richness increases as beaches become more dissipative (McLachlan and Dorvlo, 2005).

What is the relationship between species richness and area?

Solution : The relation between species richness and area is correctly depicted by log S = log C + Z log A.

What is equilibrium species?

equilibrium species A species in which competitive ability (see COMPETITION), rather than dispersal ability or reproductive rate, is the chief survival strategy: competition is the typical response to stable environmental resources.

What happens when an ecosystem is in equilibrium?

Natural ecosystems are often incredibly sensitive to change, such as the introduction or removal of a species. A healthy ecosystem is said to be in equilibrium, which is a relatively stable state that keeps population sizes within a sustainable range (not too many of a certain species alive or dead).

What affects species richness on islands?

Species richness on oceanic islands has been related to a series of ecological factors including island size and isolation (i.e. the Equilibrium Model of Island Biogeography, EMIB), habitat diversity, climate (i.e., temperature and precipitation) and more recently island ontogeny (i.e. the General Dynamic Model of …