What does the left planum temporale do?

The left planum temporale (PT), often referred to as Wernicke’s area, is involved in auditory processing and receptive language (Nakada et al., 2001). As such, it has been associated with lexical processing (Bookheimer, 2002).

Where is the left planum temporale?

THE PLANUM temporale (PT) is located on the posterosuperior surface of the temporal lobe. This brain region is of particular interest because it evinces the most left-right asymmetry in the human brain (left>right in two thirds of all brains).

What does brain lateralization mean?

Cerebral lateralization refers to the functional specialization of the two cerebral hemispheres. Whereas the left hemisphere of most adults is more active than the right during language production, the reverse pattern has been observed during tasks involving visuospatial abilities (Springer and Deutsch 1993).

What is Planum Sphenoidale meningioma?

Planum sphenoidale meningiomas are extra-axial slow-growing tumors arising from the roof of the sphenoid sinus and the area between the optic nerves and the anterior clinoid processes. Enlargement of this meningiomas usually pushes the optic nerves dorsally and caudally causing vision loss as a primary manifestation.

What is a Planum sphenoidale meningioma?

Where is the Planum sphenoidale?

The planum sphenoidale is a common term for the anterior horizontal part of the superior surface of the body of the sphenoid bone. It is known in the Terminologia Anatomica (2019) as the jugum sphenoideum or sphenoidal yoke 1.

What is the left planum temporale (PT)?

One region of particular importance here is the left planum temporale (PT)—an area in the temporal lobe that corresponds to the core of Wernicke’s area, and that is critically involved in speech processing. The PT has been found to be leftward asymmetric in most human brains (Geschwind & Levitsky, 1968 ).

Is the planum temporale different in schizophrenics?

MRI studies have shown that the planum temporale in schizophrenics is more symmetrical. This reduced lateralization correlates with more severe positive symptoms, such as hallucinations, as measured by the PANSS. Sexual dimorphism has shown to play an important role on planum temporale studies within schizophrenia.

Is the planum temporale asymmetric in the normal population?

Although the planum temporale is found to have an asymmetry in the normal population, having a leftward bias in right-handed individuals, people who possess absolute pitch have an increased leftward asymmetry of the planum temporale.

Is leftward asymmetry of language processing related to planum temporale asymmetry?

Leftward asymmetry, however, does not directly relate to asymmetry of language processing in all individuals. In addition, more and more research is suggesting that the apparent asymmetries in this region are the result of old techniques and criteria used to identify the planum temporale.