What does the Silene flower symbolize?
What does the Silene flower symbolize?
In the language of flowers, Silene blooms carry the symbolic meaning of gentleness, youthful love, or — less commonly — a snare.
Is Sweet William Catchfly invasive?
Silene armeria (Garden Catchfly) is listed in the Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States. According to the U.S Forest Service, Invasive species have contributed to the decline of 42% of U.S. endangered and threatened species, and for 18% of U.S. endangered or threatened species.
How do you grow Nemophila maculata?
Growing Conditions
- Water Use: Medium.
- Light Requirement: Part Shade.
- Soil Moisture: Moist.
- CaCO3 Tolerance: Medium.
- Soil Description: Mesic to dry soils.
- Conditions Comments: Five spot grows quickly and easily, especially if given afternoon shade. It reseeds readily.
What does fire pink look like?
Fire-pink is a weak-stemmed, 1-2 ft., short-lived perennial with long, narrow, opposite leaves and bright-red, tubular flowers. Five petals flare out from the flowers’ tubular bases, and each petal is notched into two, sharp-pointed lobes.
Why is red campion pink?
Red Campion often cross-pollinates with White Campion (Silene latifolia subsp. alba), an introduced plant, and produces fully fertile hybrids. The resulting cross bears pink flowers.
What is a Catchfly flower?
Sweet william catchfly is a bright pink perennial in moderate climates that forms a 12 to 18-inch (30 to 45 cm.) tall mat of foliage and flowers. It is called catchfly because of the white sticky sap that oozes from damaged parts of the stems, which snares small insects.
Is Silene poisonous?
Silene dioica – (L.) Clairv. Although no mention of toxicity has been seen for this species, it does contain saponins. Although toxic, these substances are very poorly absorbed by the body and so tend to pass through without causing harm.
What is a five spot flower?
Five Spot Nemophila Maculata is a annual wild flower that easily and quickly grows from wild flower seeds. It is a hardy annual that grows very, very fast and blooms profusely, and it dies back with the first frost of fall. Although an annual, Five Spot may re-seed if the seeds fall on bare ground.
Are Chinese Forget Me Nots?
Tiny blue flowers are an iconic addition to any garden. Although not a ‘true’ forget-me-not, this species has very similar flowers. This easy-to-grow annual blooms just weeks after planting and grows in almost any sunny spot….Video.
Zones | 1 – 10 |
Bloom Time | Spring to summer |
SKU | AM015837 |