What happens at Stonehenge on winter solstice?

At winter solstice, access to the stones themselves is free and without restriction, so you will have the opportunity to get up close and touch the stones themselves. The winter solstice occurs when the Sun reaches its northernmost latitude, giving the most hours of daylight throughout the year.

Does Stonehenge line up with winter solstice?

The prehistoric monument of Stonehenge has long been studied for its possible connections with ancient astronomy. The site is aligned in the direction of the sunrise of the summer solstice and the sunset of the winter solstice.

Why do people go to Stonehenge on winter solstice?

Every year during the winter solstice, traditional celebrations draw the likes of druids, pagans and enthusiasts to Stonehenge to mark the day. It’s thought that Stonehenge was built with the winter and summer solstices in mind.

What is a Stonehenge how is it associated with solstice?

Stonehenge is synonymous with celebrations for the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, as crowds usually flock to see the sun rise from behind the site’s famed Heel Stone.

What is the spiritual significance of Stonehenge?

Stones were often aligned with the rising or setting of the sun or moon at certain times of the year, indicating concepts of fertility and the cycle of life. The appearance of burnt human bone at almost every known site suggests ancestor worship and reverence for death.

Why do Druids worship at Stonehenge?

Druids, who value peace, nature, and harmony, make a pilgrimage twice a year to gather at Stonehenge to celebrate the Summer and Winter Solstices. Druids are a group of Celtic pagans who have adopted the historical site as part of their history.

What is Stonehenge purpose?

There is strong archaeological evidence that Stonehenge was used as a burial site, at least for part of its long history, but most scholars believe it served other functions as well—either as a ceremonial site, a religious pilgrimage destination, a final resting place for royalty or a memorial erected to honor and …