What heart condition do athletes have?

Hypertension – Hypertension is considered the most common cardiovascular disease among athletes and people who are physically active. Hypertension typically begins in early adulthood and becomes more prevalent with age.

How can heart disease affect athletes?

However, the thickened heart muscle can lead to life-threatening complications, including: Sudden cardiac arrest. People with HCM have an increased risk of sudden cardiac arrest. Although deaths from sudden cardiac arrest are rare, HCM is thought to prompt 30 to 40 percent of such deaths in young athletes.

Why do so many athletes have heart problems?

In most cases, the athletes have an underlying heart abnormality that may have been inherited or remain undiagnosed, cardiologists say. “Exercise likely acts as a trigger,” Goodman said. “And the intensity of the exercise … may make that heart particularly vulnerable to an arrhythmia that can cause a lethal outcome.”

Why do footballers have heart problems?

The amount of games a professional football player must play in any given season is far greater today than it was at the turn of the century. Footballers train harder than ever before, meaning they push their bodies, and their hearts, to the limit on a regular basis.

Are athletes more prone to heart problems?

Key Takeaways. New research finds that athletes are more prone to atrial fibrillation than non-athletes. Mixed sports such as rugby led to a higher risk than endurance sports like running. Even though percentages are higher in athletes, actual occurrences are still low.

Can myocarditis go away?

Usually, myocarditis goes away without permanent complications. However, severe myocarditis can permanently damage the heart muscle. Potential complications of myocarditis may include: Heart failure.

Why do so many footballers have heart attacks?