What is a continuation of care?

Continuation of care means the provision of in‑network level benefits for services rendered by certain out‑of‑network providers for a definite period of time in order to ensure continuity of care for covered persons for a serious medical condition.

What is the continuity of care act?

Assembly Bill 369 by Assembly Member Richard Pan, D-Sacramento, was signed into law. The new law ensures patients can complete certain treatments, even when insurance coverage is terminated because of market changes related to the Affordable Care Act.

What is an example of continuity of care?

For example, people with high blood pressure can check their blood pressure, and people with diabetes can measure the level of sugar in their blood. Keeping a copy of their medical record can help people participate in their health care. They can often obtain a copy from their primary care practitioner.

How do you use continuity of care in a sentence?

There is too little continuity of care. The only way to ensure continuity of care for residents is to keep the company whole. Most of the patients they cover are from other teams so there is no continuity of care.

Why is continuation of care important?

Continuity of care has always been at the heart of general practice. Patients who receive continuity have better healthcare outcomes, higher satisfaction rates, and the health care they receive is more cost-effective.

What can affect continuity of care?

The results of this review showed that continuity of care is influenced by demographic factors, factors related to patients and healthcare professionals, patient-healthcare professional relationship, inter-professional factors, role of receptionists and organisational factors.

What is in a CCD document?

What is a CCD? CCD is a generic term for an electronically generated, patient-specific clinical summary document. As a result, CCDs are sometimes called a few different names – Continuity of Care Document, Summary of Care Document, Summarization of Episode Note – just to name a few.