What is a good gold assay result?

The World Gold Council defines a high-quality underground mine as having a gold ore density between 8 and 10 g/t, while a low-quality underground mine has a gold ore density of 1 to 4 g/t.

What method is used for extracting gold?

cyanide leaching
Extracting gold from ore is a poisonous business. The most common method is cyanide leaching, where cyanide salts in solution are used to suck the gold out from its ore. You get gold, but you also get highly toxic byproducts.

How is gold collected or harvested?

Gold is obtained by two principal mining methods; placer and vein mining, and also as a by product of the mining of other metals. Placer mining is used when the metal is found in unconsolidated deposits of sand and gravel from which gold can be easily separated due to its high density.

What is channel sampling in mining?

Channel Sampling uses a compositing method to obtain the actual channel length that represents a minimum mining width. The minimum mining width in the real vein thickness direction is projected onto the channel plane to obtain a length in the channel direction.

How much does it cost to assay gold?

Precious Metals/Fire Assaying

Precious Metals Analysis Required Sample Quantity Cost, US$
Gold bullion analysis by fire assay 3+ g 60
Silver by fire assay 90 g 30
Silver by FAAS 5 g 20
Gold + silver by fire assay 90 g 35 (40 with AA finish)

What is a good ppm for gold?

Gold is often found in ores composed of rock with very small particles. When it comes to mining, ore with grades of gold as little as 0.5 parts per million (ppm) can be economically mined. Because ore grades of 30 ppm are usually needed before gold is visible to the naked eye, gold in most mines is invisible.

At what depth is gold found?

These gold deposits lie at a depth between 1200 and 4500 metres and were created due to mountain formation. They exist in marine sediments (marine deposits) or metamorphic rock (created deep in the earth’s crust by high temperature and pressure).

Why is sampling important in mining?

The mining industry routinely collects samples to assist with decision making, whether for exploration, resource estimation, grade control, or plant design and balances. Poorly designed sampling protocols can result in elevated project risk by increasing variability.