What is a Hotelling station?

A hoteling station is a workplace, designed for short-term or temporary use—hence the concept of hoteling. It can be as simple as a desk and chair with basic hookups for a laptop, but is often more specific to the work habits of employees that may occupy it.

What does work Hotelling mean?

Hoteling: Check In, Work, Check Out Another way to manage the flexible work environment is with hoteling. This means employees can reserve a specific desk/workstation or any other type of space: meeting/conference rooms, collaborative spaces, phone banks—whatever’s available in the office.

How does Hotelling model work?

Hotelling’s Theory defines the price or yield at which the owner of a nonrenewable resource will extract it and sell it, rather than leave it and wait. It bases the relative price on U.S. Treasury bonds or some similar interest-bearing security. The rule was devised by American statistician Harold Hotelling.

How does hoteling can benefit the workplace?

Hoteling reduces the number of required desks without restricting employee workflow. These flexible workspaces preserve order and organization at a fundamental level.

What is the difference between hoteling and hot desking?

Another way to distinguish the two terms is to think of hoteling as reservation-based unassigned seating as opposed to hot-desking which is reservation-less unassigned seating (source: Wikipedia). In a nutshell, there’s many different ways to define what is becoming a very popular way to work.

What is the Hotelling model of oligopoly?

Hotelling, in contrast, assumed the commodity to be perceived as perfectly homogenous by the consumers, but incorporated space, location, and transportation costs, which provided each competitor with a local monopoly area, with competition only at the fringes.

What is hot desking hoteling?

Hot desking is a space sharing practice that enables employees to choose an available desk or office space when they arrive at work. Desk hoteling is a rather similar concept; it is a space-sharing practice that allows employees to formally reserve their workstation, much like booking a hotel room.

What is the purpose of hot-desking?

Hot-desking is an organisational workspace system in which desks are used by different people at different times, on an ad hoc basis. Typically, the aim is to maximise space efficiency and lessen property risk by reducing redundant office space.

Who invented hot-desking?

Hot desking began in the 1990s, with a Chicago-based IBM business unit engaging in the practice in 1993. In theory, hotel business models inspired the idea, lending the phrase, hoteling.

What are the benefits of hoteling?

What benefits does hoteling offer?

  • Remote workers. Hoteling supports remote employees by giving them the option to conveniently work in the office.
  • Space utilization. Hoteling reduces the number of required desks without restricting employee workflow.
  • Collaboration and teamwork.
  • Improve productivity and lower costs.