What is a joggle joint?

[′jäg·əl ‚jȯint] (civil engineering) In masonry or stonework, a joint between two blocks in which a projection on one fits into a recess in another.

What is a joggle in construction?

It defines joggle or joggling as a: ‘Masons’ terms for joining two stones in such a way as to prevent them from slipping or sliding by means of a notch in one and a corresponding projection in the other. It is often seen exposed on the face of a flat arch. If the joggle is concealed, it is called a “secret joggle”‘.

Why do we use joggle in columns?

1. After concrete work if you joggle the bottom bar, it may produce cracks or break the portion of concrete, due to the force applied for joggle work. 2. It is practically easy to joggle the top bar with greater accuracy as it is not embedded in concrete.

Why joggle is provided?

1. To prevent the buckling of the RCC structure. 2. To resist the lateral loads with a given factor of safety.

What is a joggle in sheet metal?

A joggle, often found at the intersection of stringers and formers, is the offset formed on a part to allow clearance for a sheet or another mating part. Use of the joggle maintains the smooth surface of a joint or splice.

What is Joggled welding?

Joggled welded joints are used where severe loading is encountered, and the upper surface of both pieces must be in the same plane.

What is the synonym of joggle?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for joggle. nock, punch, snip.

How do you Lapp in a column?

When we provide lapping in a column, all reinforcements must overlap in zone B-Zone as shown in the drawing. Therefore, the upper and lower part of the column should be avoided in A-Zone (length L / 4) as there will be a maximum moment in this area due to the lateral forces acting on the post.

How much joggle is in a column?

In case of unavoidable situation joggling of bar should be one in ratio of 1 inch in 2 foot.

What is the strongest corner joint weld?

As we have seen above, a fully open corner joint produces the strongest type of weld among all corner welds. For thin parts such as sheet metal, flush corner joint is a sufficient choice. For intervening thicknesses, half-open corner joint can be adopted.

What is a joggle joint in civil engineering?

joggle joint. [′jäg·əl ‚jȯint] (civil engineering) In masonry or stonework, a joint between two blocks in which a projection on one fits into a recess in another. A notch or projection in one piece of material, which is fitted to a projection or notch in a second piece, to prevent one piece from slipping past the other.

Why are construction joints kept at the site?

Construction joints are kept at the site as discussed above as a measure to improve the constructability. Depending on the use of the slab and as per the structural requirements applicable construction details are provided. Mainly there are two types of slabs. They are in normal construction slabs and slabs in water retaining structures.

How many construction joints are there in a tunnel?

Mainly, there will be two construction joints in the tunnel construction. That is at both ends and just above the base. However, there may be several construction joints in tunnels based on the construction requirements. The article Tunnel Design discusses more on the design aspects that could be useful if read.

Can construction joint just above the base/foundation be avoided?

Construction joint just above the base/foundation could not be avoided. Further, a water bar could be provided if the wall is constructed to retain the water. In addition, it could be required to provide water bars at the construction joint where there is a requirement for water tightness.