What is a morally GREY character called?

So, what makes a morally grey character, well, grey? They are the villains with a point, the heroes who will cross the line, the ones who will make the difficult decisions. They’re the characters who stick around long after the last page is turned, the ones shrouded in controversy.

Is it OK to be morally gray?

What Are Morally Gray Characters? The simple definition is that morally gray/grey characters are those who are not completely good or completely evil. It’s the characters who wobble in the “gray” area between hero and villain. Sure, on some level, all characters are morally gray.

What is the meaning of morally GREY?

A “morally grey” character is just a character with good and bad traits. That’s it. They are not “neither good nor bad”, they are both. Take a courageous hero (good trait), and say he expects to be compensated handsomely for battles, or he won’t show up (bad trait).

Why are morally GREY characters appealing?

They can be the main character, the villain, a side character; ultimately they are the ones keeping us guessing on what they are going to do in any given situation and who often have the most compelling character arcs.

Is Kaz Brekker morally GREY?

Kaz Brekker is, hands down, the #1 morally grey character.

What is a morally GREY rival?

In an all-grey conflict, neither side is totally good nor completely evil. Both sides have a strong, justifiable reason for fighting, and contain a mixture of people of all kinds, from admirable, upstanding individuals to vicious, slimy scumbags.

What is the opposite of morally GREY?

Opposite of sinister or evil in nature. virtuous. righteous.

Is Kaz Brekker a morally grey character?

Kaz Brekker is, hands down, the #1 morally grey character. He’s got it all! The tragic, traumatized past. The secret love for a girl he can never have.

Is Kaz Brekker an anti-hero?

Kaz can be ruthless. There are monsters in him that no one should dare to cross, but he’s loyal in a multitude of ways, and it’s that very loyalty that makes him the anti-hero.

Does Kaz Brekker have PTSD?

Kaz has PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) because of his traumatic experiences after Jordie died, which is shown through his constant flashbacks when undergoing contact with human flesh.

Why is Kaz Brekker so cool?

Kaz Brekker didn’t need a reason, but he always has plenty—meticulously crafted plans, a purpose for everything, and tremendous heart buried deep within his stoic, immaculately accumulated demeanor. A thief, a leader, a monster, a man with no beliefs and yet, a man who’s discovered vehemence in a woman’s laughter.