What is a P3 concessionaire?

P3 concessions are public–pri- vate agreements in which the private sector takes on some of the risks and rewards of financing, constructing (or leas- ing), and operating and maintaining a transportation facility in exchange for the right to future revenues or payments for a specified term.

How do concession contracts work?

Concession contracts – partnerships between the public sector and a private company. Concession contracts are used by public authorities to deliver services or construct infrastructure. Concessions involve a contractual arrangement between a public authority and an economic operator (the concession holder).

What is the benefit of a P3?

A P3 arrangement offers such benefits as potential cost savings, quality enhancements to the design or construction of a new facility and efficiencies to service deliveries. Attaining “value for money” commonly describes the successful achievement of these benefits.

What is the purpose of P3?

Public-private partnerships, or P3s, are partnerships between governments and the private sector to build public infrastructure like roads, hospitals or schools, or to deliver services. Unlike traditional procurement, the public sector integrates all parts of a P3 project into one contract.

What are the disadvantages of concession?

Disadvantages of a concession agreement

  • It requires closer regulatory oversight by the government.
  • It creates contingent liabilities to the government, especially if the term of the project is long.
  • It can have underlying fiscal costs to the government.

What are the advantages of concession?

The major advantage of a concession is that it allows certain public assets, for which private ownership is economically inefficient and politically not possible, to be maintained and operated efficiently by private players.

What is the difference between PPP and concession?

Concessions are contracts where the consideration for the works or services to be carried out consists either solely in the right to exploit the work or service, or in this right together with payment. The acronym PPP refers to Public-Private Partnership.

Qu’est-ce que la cession?

Définition de Cession. “Cession”, “transport”, “vente” sont des mots pour désigner l’opération juridique par lequel la propriété d’un bien ou d’un ensemble de biens ou d’un droit, passe du patrimoine du cédant à celui du cessionnaire (bénéficiaire de la cession). L’expression cession de fonds de commerce en est l’exemple même de la cession d’un…

Quelle est la définition de cession?

Définition de Cession. Céder est synonyme d’aliéner. “Cession”, “transport”, “vente” sont des mots pour désigner l’opération juridique par lequel la propriété d’un bien ou d’un ensemble de biens ou d’un droit, passe du patrimoine du cédant à celui du cessionnaire (bénéficiaire de la cession).

Qu’est-ce que la cession de fonds de commerce?

L’expression cession de fonds de commerce en est l’exemple même de la cession d’un ensemble patrimonial comprenant à la fois des biens mobiliers tels que d’une part, des marchandises et des équipements, et d’autre part des droits, tels que l’enseigne, le nom commercial, le droit au bail et la clientèle.

Qu’est-ce que la cession de créance?

La cession de créance transfère de plein droit au cessionnaire les droits et actions appartenant au cédant et attachés à la créance cédée et, notamment, le titre exécutoire obtenu par le cédant à l’encontre de la caution garantissant le paiement de la créance (Com.