What is a safeguarding policy in early years?

The term safeguarding is used more broadly and according to the latest government guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018), it means: Protecting children from maltreatment. Preventing impairment of children’s health or development.

What are the policies for safeguarding?

Example safeguarding policy statement

  • responding and responding to abuse.
  • responding to allegations of abuse made against a child.
  • recruiting the right people to work and volunteer with children.
  • preventing and responding to bullying.
  • responding to concerns about online abuse.

What are the 4 key aspects of safeguarding?

Four of the six safeguarding principles, The Four P’s-Partnership, Prevention, Proportionality and Protection. We throw these principles around in our daily safeguarding speak but what do they actually mean in relation to adult safeguarding? It is better to take action before harm occurs.

Why is safeguarding important in schools?

Effective safeguarding is vital for spotting the warning signs and alerting the relevant authorities in order to help victims of abuse in a timely manner. Safeguarding is particularly vital in schools as teaching staff get unique insight into how children are developing, behaving, and interacting with others.

What is the safeguarding policy in schools?

Safeguarding policies in schools must consider all safeguarding risks, from abuse and neglect, through online safety and extremism, to FGM and child exploitation. Staff who work with children will receive safeguarding training that explains their duties for minimising risk, and the policy will summarise these duties.

What is a safeguarding policy in schools?

What are safeguarding procedures in schools?

Safeguarding procedures in schools

  • Establish a safeguarding team.
  • Put effective online filters in place.
  • Invest in thorough safety education for staff and pupils.
  • Consider the fair use of personal devices.
  • Conduct due diligence of edtech and any third party software or hardware.

Which 3 safeguarding policies should a school include on induction?

This includes: the school’s child protection policy: the school’s staff behaviour policy (sometimes called Code of Conduct); and the role of the designated safeguarding lead.