What is a stretch reflex example?

The knee-jerk reflex is a great example of the stretch reflex. When the doctor taps your patellar tendon just below your knee, it stretches your patellar tendon, your quadriceps tendon, and your quadriceps muscles.

Does stretching help reflexes?

The stretch reflex (myotatic reflex), or more accurately “muscle stretch reflex”, is a muscle contraction in response to stretching within the muscle. The reflex functions to maintain the muscle at a constant length….Clinical significance.

Grade Response Significance
4+ clonus always abnormal

How long does the stretch reflex last?

A study by Wilson (1990) concluded that while bench pressing, the stretch would last up to four seconds. At that point all started elastic energy is lost. Other studies by Chapman and Caldwell (1985) found it to be the same as Pete—0.25 seconds and the plyometric action is lost.

What is the purpose of stretch reflex?

The stretch reflex is designed as a protective mechanism, to prevent strain and tear injuries to the muscles and tendons. When the muscle spindle is excited an impulse is immediately received to contract the muscle, thereby protecting it from being pulled forcefully or stretched beyond a normal range of motion.

Are burpees plyometrics?

Plyometric exercises, like box jumps and burpees, are a one-way ticket to feeling like an all-around badass because not only will they help you build strength, but explosiveness (or power), speed, and agility, too.

What triggers the stretch reflex?

If a muscle is stretched (lengthened) too far or too quickly the muscle spindles are excited and the stretch reflex is activated, which causes the muscles to contract, thereby protecting the muscle from being over stretched or torn.

What is the difference between a tendon reflex and a stretch reflex?

The stretch reflex operates as a feedback mechanism to control muscle length by causing muscle contraction. In contrast, the tendon reflex operates as a negative feedback mechanism to control muscle tension.

What is the stretch reflex?

The stretch reflex is typically referred to as the stretch-shortening cycle during strength training. If a voluntary contraction is added in conjunction with the stretch reflex, a more forceful contraction can be produced.

What muscles do you train to maximize the stretch reflex?

When strength training and maximizing the stretch reflex you are primarily training the fast twitch muscle fibers, but it should be noted that the slow twitch muscle fibers get trained too. It is impossible to purely isolate the training of one type of muscle fiber over the other.

How can I avoid the stretch reflex?

So, to avoid the stretch reflex and potential damage to your muscles and joints, avoid pain. Never push yourself beyond what is comfortable. Only stretch to the point where you can feel tension in your muscles. This way, you will avoid injury and get the maximum benefits from your stretching.

What causes the stretch reflex to fire?

The motor neurons are stimulated from an internal “stretch” to warm the muscles. Any abrupt, forceful stretch on the muscle causes the stretch reflex to fire, in a healthy person. Delays in or absence of the stretch reflex are signs of possible neurological or neuromuscular compromise.