What is a typical load factor for office building?

Load factors can vary between 12% and 25%; high-rise office buildings typically have a higher load factor.

What is a load factor in a commercial building?

A commercial property’s load factor is the difference between usable space and rentable square footage. Identifying the load factor helps your tenants understand what they must pay to be in a building with shared spaces they may rarely use.

What is included in load factor?

Common areas are shared spaces within the building that benefit each tenant (lobbies, shared restrooms, hallways, building amenities like fitness centers, etc). Each tenant must pay for their pro-rata share of a building’s common areas.

How do you determine load factor?

Load factor is a measurement of the efficiency of your household’s electrical energy usage. It is calculated by taking the total electricity (kWh) used in the month, divided by your peak demand (kW) multiplied by the number of days in the billing cycle and the total hours in a day.

What is load factor commercial lease?

A load factor, also known as a loss factor, is a metric that compares the amount of space a tenant pays for in a commercial lease versus the amount of space they actually use.

What is a boma load factor?

The BOMA 2010 Office Standard refers to this as the Load Factor. Multi-Occupant Floor Load Factor: The calculated area of Floor, Building, Multi-Floor and Complex or Campus Service Areas that are apportioned to a Multi-Occupant Floor expressed as a percentage or ratio.

What is load factor in civil engineering?

Load factor is a ratio of the theoretical design strength to the maximum load expected in service. They are used in structural analysis to determine the design strength and compare it with maximum loads.

What is the average load factor?

The load factor is a dimensionless number equal to the average load divided by the peak load. For example, if the average load is 66 kWh/d (or 2.75 kW) and the peak load is 10.5 kW, the load factor is 2.75 kW/10.5 kW = 0.26.

How is office load factor calculated?

Answer: Load Factor Calculate load factor by dividing the total square footage in the building by the usable square footage. In this example, you would take 6500 square feet – the total square footage of the building – and divide it by 5500 – the usable square footage of the building.