What is a wids profile?

The WIDS monitors wireless traffic for a wide range of security threats by detecting and reporting on possible intrusion attempts. When an attack is detected, a log message is recorded.

How do I use FortiAP provision?

Go to WiFi & Switch Controller > FortiAP Profiles and select Create New….Select the type of mode:

  1. Disabled – the radio is disabled.
  2. Access Point – the platform is an access point.
  3. Dedicated Monitor – the platform is a dedicated monitor. See Wireless network monitoring.

How do I access FortiAP GUI?

Accessing the GUI of the FortiAP Configuration mode Use only one Wi-Fi device to connect to the SSID FAP-config-. Open a web browser and visit In the User Name field, type admin. In the Password field, type the password associated with the admin account.

What is wids profile FortiGate?

The FortiGate Wireless Intrusion Detection System (WIDS) monitors wireless traffic for a wide range of security threats by detecting and reporting on possible intrusion attempts. When an attack is detected the FortiGate unit records a log message.

What is radio resource provision?

By using the ARRP feature, each AP scans all channels and provides the scan details to the controller. The controller uses this information to select and allocate the best available channel per radio. By default, this feature is disabled.

What is short guard interval Fortigate?

The short guard interval time is 400ns, or half of what it used to be. Shorter wait time (guard interval) between symbols increases throughput. However, if it’s too short, the amount of ISI will increase, and throughput will decrease.

What is wids Fortiap?

What is better short guard interval or long guard interval?

Shorter wait time (guard interval) between symbols increases throughput. However, if it’s too short, the amount of ISI will increase, and throughput will decrease. On the other hand, if the guard interval is too long, there is increased overhead due to the additional idle time.