What is an Intraconal lesion?

Intraconal orbital lesions are broadly divided into two main groups; those with or without involvement of the optic nerves. Lesions with optic nerve involvement: optic nerve glioma. optic nerve meningioma. optic neuritis.

What does Intraconal mean?

The intraconal orbital compartment or intraconal space is the conical space within the orbit and musculofascial cone, the base of which is anterior and is formed by the posterior half of the globe.

What is Intraconal and Extraconal?

The intraconal compartment contains the globe, the optic nerve-sheath complex, orbital vessels. and nerves (Fig. 1). The extraconal compartment consists of the bony orbital walls, fat. and the lacrimal gland.

What is the most common malignancy of the orbit?

Breast cancer is the most common malignancy to metastasize to the orbit, followed by prostate cancer, melanoma, and lung cancer.

What is Zinn annulus?

Definition. The annulus of Zinn is a dense, fibrous ring of connective tissue located at the apex of the orbit that is the origin of four of the six extraocular muscles – the superior rectus, inferior rectus, lateral rectus, and medial rectus.

Are orbital tumors rare?

Introduction to Orbital Tumors Fortunately, malignant tumors of the orbit are unusual. Neoplasms account for approximately 20% to 25% of orbital disease and are more common in the seventh decade and afterward.

What percentage of orbital tumors are benign?

The most common orbital tumor was pseudotumor inflammatorius (14.75% of patients). Lymphoma malignum was detected in 11.47% of patients….

Types of orbital tumors Histo-pathologic diagnosis Number of cases
Malignant neoplasms Carcinoma basocellulare 4
Benign neoplasms Tumor mixtus 8
Haemangioma 9

How do you get rid of an orbital tumor?

Orbital tumors may be treated with stereotactic radiosurgery. This is a non-invasive procedure where highly focused beams of radiation are directed at the tumor to destroy it. Chemotherapy, where cancer-fighting drugs are delivered into the bloodstream to seek out and destroy the cancer cells, can also be used.

What muscles attach to the annulus of Zinn?

Introduction. The Annulus of Zinn is described as the common tendinous origin of the four extraocular (EO) rectus muscles, located in the orbital apex.

What is circle of Zinn Haller?

The circle of Zinn–Haller (CZH) is known to be an intrascleral arteriolar anastomosis derived from medial and lateral paraoptic short posterior ciliary arteries (SPCAs). The significance of this arterial circle in supplying the anterior optic nerve and peripapillary region has been the subject of controversy.

Can orbital tumors be treated?

Treatments. When possible, orbital tumors are totally removed. If they cannot be removed or if removal will cause too much damage to other important structures around the eye, a piece of tumor may be removed, sent for evaluation by a pathologist and the patient is treated with radiation and/or chemotherapy.

Are orbital tumors cancerous?

Orbital tumors can be benign or malignant, and they can be either primary (meaning the tumor originates there) or metastatic (meaning the tumor represents the spread of another cancer elsewhere in the body). Some orbital tumors occur most commonly in children, other types are more often diagnosed in adults.