What is an OMCP?

OMCP is a certification standard and an industry association that maintains the competency and exam standards for online marketing in coordination with industry leaders. OMCP staff provide certification verification and credentialing of individual practitioners, agencies, and educational institutions.

How do I get OMCP?

Anyone can register for, schedule, and sit for an OMCP exam, anytime. The simplest path is: Register for the OMCP or OMCA exam by paying or using a voucher from your company, training provider, or university….Then upload proof, and get your certificate.

  1. Register.
  2. Schedule.
  3. Upload Proof.
  4. Maintain Certification.

What is Omca?

OMCA is an organization that provides high value opportunities for their members to grow their business. OMCA is a strong inclusive network of interdependent businesses producing results greater than the sum of their individual parts.

How many questions are on the OMCP exam?

Important Information About the OMCP Exam Series: The exam series presents multiple-choice questions, and in total, takes approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes to complete: 75 minutes for the base exam with 64-68 questions, 30 minutes for each specialty exam serving 17-28 questions.

What is OMCP digital marketing certification?

OMCP Certification is the industry’s premier certification for online marketing professionals who have extensive training, verified experience, and have demonstrated knowledge of online marketing concepts and best practices across multiple digital marketing disciplines.

How much is Omca certification?

US $225
The cost for the OMCA exam is US $225. Some pre-registered groups may use a voucher to complete the purchase process at no cost. The fee covers online proctoring and the exam delivery systems for one attempt of the OMCA exam. Retakes are not free.

Which marketing certification is best?

Marketing Recruitment Agency’s Top Certifications for Marketers in 2020

  • Google Analytics IQ Certification.
  • HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certification.
  • Bing Ads Accredited Professional (BAAP) Certification.
  • YouTube Certification.
  • Stanford University’s Machine Learning Certification.
  • Deep Learning Specialization Certification.