What is an RL-1 slip?

The RL-1 slip must be filed by any employer or payer that paid amounts such as salaries, wages, gratuities, tips, fees, scholarships or commissions. The information on the RL-1 slip is used by individuals to complete the personal income tax return (TP-1-V).

What is the difference between T4 and RL-1?

A federal T4 slip will be automatically generated for every employee, however a RL-1 slip will only be displayed if the province of employment is Quebec. Data entered for the federal T4 slip will be used to calculate the Quebec RL-1 amounts.

Do I need to file RL-1?

If you have more than one employer account, you must file an RL-1 summary for each account, under the name and identification number shown on the Remittance of Source Deductions and Employer Contributions form (TPZ-1015.

What is an RL 2 slip?

The RL-2 slip is used primarily for reporting retirement and annuity income. A section of the slip is also reserved for reporting Québec income tax withheld at source from certain amounts reported on the slip.

What is RL-1 Box A?

Enter in box A of the RL-1 slip (see courtesy translation RL-1-T) the salary or wages and any other remuneration (including bonuses) paid to an employee for an office or employment, except the portion of such income included in Box R that constitutes employment income situated on a reserve or premises.

How do I file a RL-1?

To file, you can use:

  1. the online services in My Account for businesses;
  2. software authorized by Revenu Québec for filing RL-1 slips;
  3. software you have developed for filing RL-1 slips that meets our requirements;
  4. the PDF RL-1 slip (in French only) that can be completed onscreen; or.
  5. the paper RL-1 slip that we provide.

What is the penalty for late filing of the RL-1 slips and summary?

If you fail to provide required information, you are liable to a penalty of $100.

What TPZ 1015?

TPZ-1015. R. 14. M-V. This form must be completed by any employer or payer who wishes to correct a file number, a period or an amount, because of an error in a previously filed form for remitting source deductions and employer contributions.

What is an RL 3 slip?

The information on the RL-3 slip is used by recipients to complete the personal income tax return (TP-1-V), the Déclaration de revenus des sociétés (CO-17), the Partnership Information Return (TP-600-V) or the Trust Income Tax Return (TP-646-V), as applicable.

Who gets a Releve 2?

residents of Québec
A Relevé 2: Retirement and annuity income slip is issued to residents of Québec who’ve either earned or transferred one or more of the following amounts: Retirement income. Annuity income. Amounts paid to a surviving spouse.

What is Box 211 of the RL-1?

Enter the information from your RL1 box 211. This will ensure that the amount is treated as “previous employment”, rather than “regular employment” income.

How do I get CRA to waive interest and penalties?

To make a request, fill out Form RC4288, Request for Taxpayer Relief – Cancel or Waive Penalties or Interest.