What is an RPBio?

College registrants who are Professional Biologists (RPBios) are involved in many areas of practice ranging from environmental assessments, wildlife and fisheries management, riparian area assessments, contaminated site assessments and the development of conservation plans in urban and rural environments.

What does a professional biologist do?

Preparing, administering and implementing plans or programs for managing biological resources, Conducting research activities related to biological sciences, and. Teaching biological sciences at a university, college or technical institute.

How do you get RPBio in BC?

Requirements for a RPBio application: A Doctorate of Philosphy (PhD) counts as 24 months of work work experience); Professional Report (Professional, Risk Assessment, Self-Directed); Scientific Communication; Demonstration of the 7 Professional Practice Competencies; and.

Where can an applied biologist work?

Graduates with this applied biology degree are qualified for careers such as:

  • lab technicians.
  • science teachers.
  • laboratory research assistants.
  • consultants.
  • U.S. and Ohio Environmental Protection Agency field and lab positions.
  • field biology.
  • technical writers.
  • pharmaceutical sales representatives.

What is a biologist salary?

The average salary for an entry level Biologist is $40,688. An experienced Biologist makes about $62,067 per year. Biologists study living organisms and their relationship to the environment.

Is a biologist a doctor?

A clinical biologist is a health professional such as a doctor of medicine, pharmacist, chemist or biologist that is specialized in clinical biology, a medical specialty derived from clinical pathology. The concept includes interventional biology, including assisted reproductive technology.

Can you be a doctor with a biology degree?

This means that a student of any major can apply to medical school as long as these required courses are completed. In other words, whether you major in biology, math, economics, history, or art, you can apply to medical school.