What is anionic complex give an example?

Anionic complex: A negatively charged coordination sphere or a coordination compound having a negatively charged coordination sphere is called an anionic complex or anionic sphere complex. e.g. [Fe(CN)6]3– iii.

What is a anionic complex?

Anionic complex compounds are those which have a negative charge on complex sphere. The easiest way to find this is by not looking at the coordination sphere, look at what is present other than the sphere. In the above cases there are cations like K+,Na+ and Fe3+ present. Hence all of them are anionic compounds.

What is the difference between an anionic complex and a cationic complex?

1. Cationic complexes: A complex in which the complex ion carries a net positive charge is called a cationic complex. 2. Anionic complexes: The complexes in which the complex ion carries a net negative charge are called anionic complexes.

Which of the following complex is an example of an anionic complex?

Dichloro diammine platinum(II) Was this answer helpful?

Which one of the following is not an anionic complex?

d)[NiCl4] Answer it without spamming frnds​

What is anionic ligand?

Rule 1: Anionic Ligands Ligands that act as anions which end in “-ide” are replaced with an ending “-o” (e.g., Chloride → Chloro). Anions ending with “-ite” and “-ate” are replaced with endings “-ito” and “-ato” respectively (e.g., Nitrite → Nitrito, Nitrate → Nitrato). Table 1: Anionic Monodentate Ligands.

How do you know if a complex ion is an anion?

For negatively charged complex ions A negatively charged complex ion is called an anionic complex. An anion is a negatively charged ion. In this case the name of the metal is modified to show that it has ended up in a negative ion. This is shown by the ending -ate.

Which is the example of anionic ligands?

Anionic Ligands Names Neutral Ligands
Br- bromo NH3
F- fluoro H2O
O2- oxo NO
OH- Hydroxo CO

How do you name anionic complexes?


  1. The name of cation is formed first followed by the name of anion. For example, in.
  2. A complex cation by naming the ligands and then metal ion.
  3. A complex anion named by writting ligands followed by name of the metal ending with suffix- ate.
  4. A non-ionic complex is named as one word.

What are cationic and anionic complexes?

Cationic Complex is hexa amino plantinum chloride [Pt(NH3)6]Cl2. It contains complex cation [Pt(NH3)6]2+. Potassium ferro cyanide K4[Fe(CN)6] and Sodium argento cyanide Na[Ag(CN)2] are anionic complexes. They contains complex anions [Fe(CN)6]2− and [Ag(CN)2]− respectively.

What are anionic ligands?

Rule 1: Anionic Ligands Ligands that act as anions which end in “-ide” are replaced with an ending “-o” (e.g., Chloride → Chloro). Anions ending with “-ite” and “-ate” are replaced with endings “-ito” and “-ato” respectively (e.g., Nitrite → Nitrito, Nitrate → Nitrato).

Which of the following is an anionic ligand?

Are there any promising cadmium complex compounds?

However, scientists are advancing in the field and new promising cadmium complex compounds with reduced toxicity have been discovered. Cadmium oxide was used in black and white television phosphors and in the blue and green phosphors of color television cathode ray tubes.

What is the chemical name of cadmium?

Cadmium is a chemical element with symbol Cd and atomic number 48. This soft, bluish-white metal is chemically similar to the two other stable metals in group 12, zinc and mercury. Like zinc, it demonstrates oxidation state +2 in most of its compounds, and like mercury, it has a lower melting point than the transition metals in groups 3 through 11.

What is the accepting electron lone pair of cadmium?

The empty orbital (commonly referred to as the accepting electron lone pair) of cadmium atoms act as an effective site for coordination purposes. When − NR 2 functional groups are introduced into polymer chains, they tend to coordinate with CdS in forming the CdS/polymer composite particles.

What is the oxidation state of cadmium in the periodic table?

Although cadmium usually has an oxidation state of +2, it also exists in the +1 state. Cadmium and its congeners are not always considered transition metals, in that they do not have partly filled d or f electron shells in the elemental or common oxidation states.