What is ATL film budget?

Above the line credits (also called ATL) in film production refer to the positions responsible for the creative development of the film—before pre-production or principal photography ever begins. The people in these positions make major decisions about the look and feel of the project.

What are below the line costs in film?

Below the line in production refers to, in a budgetary sense, any production costs that are not “above the line.” This can include film crew salary, publicity, music rights, and cutting together a trailer.

What is the difference between above the line and below the line in film?

Above the line (Producers, Screenwriters, Directors, Lead Actors) have the most creative say in the film. Below the line (All other crew and supporting artists) get the least Creative power. This article will look into this term in more detail. Above and below the line is a term widely used within the film industry.

Is a Line Producer considered above the line?

Above the line credits include the director, actors, writers, and producers.

What is a BTL budget?

Below the Line costs include salaries of support staff and talent and all production costs – catering, studio, lighting, etc.

Is UPM above the line?

In the cinema of the United States, a unit production manager (UPM) is the Directors Guild of America–approved title for the top below-the-line staff position, responsible for the administration of a feature film or television production.

Are cinematographers above or below the line?

Above the line refers to those jobs that involve creative or artistic talent–the screenwriter, director, cinematographer, and actors, who are “above” the title frame of a film.

What is a top sheet for film budget?

The Topsheet is a summary of your entire budget. It is usually very simple, in terms of shwing the account number (i.e.: 3300), the description of the account (i.e.: CAMERA) and the total amount for that account. This is second level of the budget. It allows a more detailed view of the account.

What is the negative cost of a film?

Negative cost is the net expense to produce and shoot a film, excluding such expenditures as distribution and promotion. Low-budget movies, for example The Blair Witch Project, can have promotional expenses that are much larger than the negative cost.

What does a Line Producer get paid?

Career site ZipRecruiter estimates that a line producer makes on average $26 an hour, equalling about $54,000 a year. Zippia indicates the job can pay between $34,000 and $108,000 a year. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, which groups producers and directors together, estimates a median annual wage of about $76,000.