What is bean introspection explain with example?

Lesson: Introspection. Introspection is the automatic process of analyzing a bean’s design patterns to reveal the bean’s properties, events, and methods. This process controls the publishing and discovery of bean operations and properties.

What is introspection How does JavaBean support introspection?

At the core of Java Beans is introspection. This is the process of analyzing a Bean to determine its capabilities. This is an essential feature of the Java Beans API because it allows another application, such as a design tool, to obtain information about a component.

What is JavaBean also give example?

A JavaBean property is a named attribute that can be accessed by the user of the object. The attribute can be of any Java data type, including the classes that you define. S.No. For example, if property name is firstName, your method name would be getFirstName() to read that property.

What is BDK introspection?

Basically introspection means analysis of bean capabilities. There are two ways in which the developer of a Bean can indicate which of its properties, events, and methods should be exposed by an builder tool. With the first method, simple naming conventions are used.

What does @bean mean in Java?

JavaBeans are reusable software components that can be manipulated visually. Practically, they are Java classes that follow certain conventions. Like Java, JavaBeans also follow the “write once run anywhere” paradigm. They are persistant, and have the ability to save, store and restore their state.

What is BDK in Java?

Bean Development Kit (BDK) is a tool for testing whether your Javabeans meets the JavaBean specification. Follow the instruction provided to install the BDK. Read the documentation and tutorial provided (in particular, “The Java Tutorial, specialized trial on JavaBeans”). BDK comes with a set of sample demo beans.

What is persistence in JavaBeans?

A bean has the property of persistence when its properties, fields, and state information are saved to and retrieved from storage. Component models provide a mechanism for persistence that enables the state of components to be stored in a non-volatile place for later retrieval.