What is BIN in address?

“Bank Identification Number,” or BIN code, refers to the initial sequence of four to six numbers that appears on a credit card. The number is used to identify the card’s issuing bank or other financial institution.

How do I find out who owns a building in NYC?

Search for the Property’s Owner on NYCityMap The NYCityMap page can give you information on most properties in New York City. You just need to enter the property’s address in the search bar. If the address exists, the map will show you the building’s location and information, including the real estate’s: Owner.

What are BINs scamming?

BIN scamming is a form of credit card fraud that involves stealing identities or illegally obtaining credit cards directly from banks or merchants. In this type of crime, criminals try to pose as a bank in an attempt to purchase goods and services with stolen credit cards.

Where is the Stephen Schwarzman Building in New York?

The Stephen A. Schwarzman Building is part of The New York Public Library, which consists of four major research libraries and 88 branch libraries located in the Bronx, Manhattan, and Staten Island.

What did Stephen Schwarzman do for the New York public library?

In early 2008, Schwarzman announced that he contributed $100 million toward the expansion of the New York Public Library, for which he serves as a trustee. The central reference building on 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue was renamed The Stephen A. Schwarzman Building.

What does Stephen Schwarzman do now?

Stephen A. Schwarzman. Stephen Allen Schwarzman (born February 14, 1947) is an American businessman, investor, and philanthropist. He is the chairman and CEO of The Blackstone Group, a global private equity firm he established in 1985 with former chairman and CEO of Lehman Brothers and US Secretary of Commerce Pete Peterson.

What did Stephen A Schwarzman give to Yale cultural hub?

^ “Stephen A Schwarzman Gives $150 Million for Yale Cultural Hub”. The New York Times. Archived from the original on November 10, 2017. Retrieved December 4, 2016. ^ “Berggruen Institute”. Archived from the original on June 13, 2018. Retrieved January 7, 2017. ^ “Hospital Leadership – Board of Trustees”. New York Presbyterian.