What is bottom-up and top-down processing in psychology?

1. Bottom-up processing is when the environment (stimuli) influence our thinking. 2. Top-down processing is when our thinking influences how we see (understand/perceive) the environment.

What is top-down and bottom-up approach in linguistics?

In accounts of foreign-language listening and reading, perceptual information is often described as ‘bottom-up’, while information provided by context is said to be ‘top-down’.

What is top-down processing in psychology?

What Is Top-Down Processing? In top-down processing, perceptions begin with the most general and move toward the more specific. These perceptions are heavily influenced by our expectations and prior knowledge. 1 Put simply, your brain applies what it knows to fill in the blanks and anticipate what’s next.

What is bottom-up processing linguistics?

Bottom-up processing happens when someone tries to understand language by looking at individual meanings or grammatical characteristics of the most basic units of the text, (e.g. sounds for a listening or words for a reading), and moves from these to trying to understand the whole text.

What is top-down processing in linguistics?

Top-down processing of language happens when someone uses background information to predict the meaning of language they are going to listen to or read.

What is bottom-up processing in psychology simple definition?

Bottom-up processing in psychology is the sensory perception of the outside stimuli, the stimuli being processed in the part of the brain responsible for that sense, and then deriving meaning from analysis based only on data.

How is bottom-up processing different from top-down processing quizlet?

What is the difference between “bottom-up” & “top-down” processing? “Bottom-up” Processing is sensation it is automatic. It is the process of taking in information from the environment through sensory inputs. “Top-down” processing is perception and this is intellectual.