What is C-3 zoning California?

The heavy commercial (C3) zone district provides areas for intensive service commercial uses primarily of a nonretail nature, some of which require outdoor storage or activity areas. Limited retail and office uses are allowed to the extent that they are compatible with the heavy commercial uses.

What is C3 zoning BC?

C3. Intent: To accommodate a wide range of commercial Uses that. meet the needs of the community, in developments over. 10,000 m2 in size.

What is a C3 building?

C3 – Houses, Flats, Apartments Class C3 is use as a dwelling house (whether or not as a sole or main residence) * by a single person or by people living together as a family, or. * by not more than 6 residents living together as a single household (including a household where care is provided for residents).

What is C3 zoning in Los Angeles?

Zone C-3: Unlimited Commercial Permitted Uses: Zone C-2 uses, secondhand stores (22.28. 180) Minimum Required Area: No minimum required area.

What is c2 zoning in Vancouver?

The C-2 zone is intended to accommodate a wide variety of commercial uses – retail, service, and office – serving both local and citywide markets.

What is CD 1 zoning Vancouver?

1.1. Where an area is zoned CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District and Council has. approved the form of development, the Development Permit Board may approve the issuance. of permits for the uses listed in the by-law designating the district, subject to such conditions as.

What is M3 zoning in Ontario?

The M3 Zone allows for a range of industrial uses including manufacturing, research and development and limited office which help foster the development of a prestige Employment Area.

What is C3 property?

Established in 2012, C3 Properties is a privately owned development and investment company focusing on both residential and commercial real estate across London. We acquire, develop and refurbish promising assets with a prime focus on adding value and maximizing site potential.

What is C3 used for?

Use Class C3 – Houses, Flats, Apartments Planning Use Class C3 includes dwelling houses, flats, apartments etc (whether or not as main residence) by: A single person or by people to be regarded as forming a single household. Not more than 6 residents (if over six, then becomes ‘sui-generis’)