What is classifier tag in POM xml?

classifier: The classifier distinguishes artifacts that were built from the same POM but differ in content. It is some optional and arbitrary string that – if present – is appended to the artifact name just after the version number.

What is distributionManagement in POM xml?

From the POM reference: Where as the repositories element specifies in the POM the location and manner in which Maven may download remote artifacts for use by the current project, distributionManagement specifies where (and how) this project will get to a remote repository when it is deployed.

What is artifact classifier?

What Is a Maven Artifact Classifier? A Maven artifact classifier is an optional and arbitrary string that gets appended to the generated artifact’s name just after its version number. It distinguishes the artifacts built from the same POM but differing in content.

What does a classifier do?

In data science, a classifier is a type of machine learning algorithm used to assign a class label to a data input. An example is an image recognition classifier to label an image (e.g., “car,” “truck,” or “person”).

What is groupId and artifactId in Maven?

Maven uses a set of identifiers, also called coordinates, to uniquely identify a project and specify how the project artifact should be packaged: groupId – a unique base name of the company or group that created the project. artifactId – a unique name of the project. version – a version of the project.

What is Snapshotrepository in Maven?

SNAPSHOT is a special version that indicates a current development copy. Unlike regular versions, Maven checks for a new SNAPSHOT version in a remote repository for every build.

How do you deploy a classifier?

To add classifier into your artifact for your deployment, set the text to the classifier parameter….Deploy an artifact with classifier

  1. bin is used to describe that the artifact is a binary.
  2. dev is used to describe that the artifact is for development.
  3. prod is used to describe that the artifact is for production.

What are Maven artifacts?

In Maven terminology, an artifact is an output generated after a Maven project build. It can be, for example, a jar, war, or any other executable file. Also, Maven artifacts include five key elements, groupId, artifactId, version, packaging, and classifier.

What are all dependencies in your POM?

Maven pom. xml file with additional elements

Element Description
url defines url of the project.
dependencies defines dependencies for this project.
dependency defines a dependency. It is used inside dependencies.
scope defines scope for this maven project. It can be compile, provided, runtime, test and system.

Why do we need classifier?

A classifier utilizes some training data to understand how given input variables relate to the class. In this case, known spam and non-spam emails have to be used as the training data. When the classifier is trained accurately, it can be used to detect an unknown email.