What is DESMOND Programme?

DESMOND stands for Diabetes Education and Self Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed. DESMOND is a curriculum-based structured education programme for people who have been recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or who have been living with type 2 diabetes for a while.

What are structured education Programmes?

Structured education programme It is evidence-based, and suits the needs of the person. It has specific aims and learning objectives, and supports the person and their family members and carers in developing attitudes, beliefs, knowledge and skills to self-manage diabetes.

Is DESMOND diabetes free?

People who have attended the programme have said: It’s easy to do, and they felt supported throughout. They have learnt lots of new skills, tailored to them, which they can confidently share with others.

Is DESMOND effective?

The DESMOND intervention is likely to remain cost effective as the cost effectiveness analysis of the DESMOND intervention using 12 month data was based on the assumption that observed lifestyle changes and smoking cessation would not be sustained without an ongoing maintenance intervention.

What is the 1800 rule for diabetics?

For short-acting insulin, use the “1800 rule.” This tells you how much your blood sugar will drop for each unit of short-acting insulin. For example, if you take 30 units of short-acting insulin daily, divide 1800 by 30. This equals 60.

Why do I need a diabetes educator?

Your diabetes educator will help you learn to take in stride all the things in your day-to-day life that can help control the disease — like exercise, nutrition, medications, and checking your blood sugar. They may also work with your family so they understand your needs better and can be there to support you.

What educational management courses are available for patients with diabetes?

The X-PERT course has been designed to be appropriate for people with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. The DAFNE course has been specifically designed towards insulin management for people with type 1 diabetes.

What is the recommended self-management program for type 1 diabetes?

This includes flexible intensive insulin therapy (FIIT) which is now widely recommended for type 1 diabetes self-management. FIIT comprises long-acting basal insulin injected once or twice daily, and bolus doses of quick acting insulin adjusted to take into account the carbohydrate content of snacks and meals.