What is DT_I2?

DT_I2 A two-byte, signed integer. DT_I4 A four-byte, signed integer. DT_I8 An eight-byte, signed integer. DT_NUMERIC An exact numeric value with a fixed precision and scale. This data type is a 16-byte unsigned integer with a separate sign, a scale of 0 to 38, and a maximum precision of 38.

What are the data types in SQL Server?

Data types in SQL Server are organized into the following categories:

  • Exact numerics. Unicode character strings.
  • Approximate numerics. Binary strings.
  • Date and time. Other data types.
  • Character strings.
  • bigint. numeric.
  • bit. smallint.
  • decimal. smallmoney.
  • int. tinyint.

What is Dt_text?

DT_TEXT: An ANSI character string with a maximum length of 2^31-1 characters.

What is Dt_dbtimestamp in SSIS?

Besides, DT_DBTIMESTAMP and DT_DBDATE are the SSIS data types used to store dates the same way that they are stored within SQL databases which is very clear from the DB characters added to the data type name. SSIS.

What is float DT_R4?

DT\_R4 is a floating point data type – it’s not meant to represent exact numbers. It’s intended to work well for situations where you want to represent a wide range of numbers, but not exact values (past a certain number of significant digits).

What is Dt_text in SSIS?

Since the column is a VARCHAR(MAX) data type in SQL Server, SSIS treats this as a DT_TEXT datatype. The DT_TEXT and DT_NTEXT are text data types and there are several limitations related to handling these datatypes in SSIS. For example, none of the string functions would work with these data types.

What is Dt_date in SSIS?

DT_DATE. A date structure that consists of year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds, and fractional seconds. The fractional seconds have a fixed scale of 7 digits. The DT_DATE data type is implemented using an 8-byte floating-point number.