What is Eagle tCream?

Layer 31-32: tCream/bCream These layers contain all of the solder paste data for your surface mount components. You’ll usually find this layer being used by your manufacturer to make stencils for printing solder paste before assembling any parts.

What is stop layer in Eagle?

The TStop layer is for solder mask, the thin coating that prevents copper on the board from being exposed except for the areas where desired. The TStop layer leaves apertures slightly larger than the pads so that the copper is still exposed in case of misalignment when producing the PCB.

What is the name of layer 31?

Predefined EAGLE Layers

1 Top Tracks, top side
30 bStop Solder stop mask, bottom side
31 tCream Solder cream, top side
32 bCream Solder cream, bottom side
33 tFinish Finish, top side

What are layers in Eagle?

Understanding layers in EAGLE PCB Software

  • # Layer 1 – Top. The first layer contains the top side tracks and the top side copper pour (if used).
  • # Layer 2 to 15 – Route.
  • # Layer 16 – Bottom.
  • # Layer 17 – Pads.
  • # Layer 18 – Vias.
  • # Layer 19 – Unrouted.
  • # Layer 20 – Dimension.
  • # Layer 21 – tPlace.

What is the silkscreen layer in Eagle?

EAGLE’s Layers

Layer Name Layer Number Layer Purpose
tPlace 21 Silkscreen printed on the top side of the board.
bPlace 22 Silkscreen printed on the bottom side of the board.
tOrigins 23 Top origins, which you click to move and manipulate an individual part.
bOrigins 24 Origins for parts on the bottom side of the board.

What is copper layer PCB?

We refer to Copper Layers as a layer of a PCB that has copper on it after etching, usually tracks and pads or power and ground layers.

What is bottom copper layer?

For double layers and multilayers, it can be used to arrange wires or copper. Bottom signal layer (Bottom Layer), also known as solder layer, is mainly used for wiring and soldering. For double-layer board and multilayer board, components can be placed.

What is Airwire?

AirWire, a versatile Plug n Play wireless solution that requires absolutely no drivers or software, you simply plug one end to your Internet and the other to any wired ethernet device.

How do you hide Airwires in Eagle?

signal_name, you can use the info command on a signal (airwire or trace) in the board window and you will see a check box “Airwires hidden” for that signal in the popup “Properties” window. Click on it and all airwires for that signal will be gone.