What is economizer control?

An economizer is a part of a building’s cooling system that uses cool outdoor air to cool the building instead of operating the air conditioning compressor. An economizer is an add-on feature to an HVAC air handler that draws in outdoor air and mixes it with return air from indoors.

How does an economizer system work?

An HVAC economizer works by drawing in the outdoor air. That is if the air is below the temperature setting and the humidity in the building is lower than the percentage set. This operation reduces the time frame in which your air conditioning unit is in operation.

What are the two functions of an economizer?

Power plants In an HRSG, water passes through an economizer, then a boiler and then a superheater. The economizer also prevents flooding of the boiler with liquid water that is too cold to be boiled given the flow rates and design of the boiler.

What is the purpose of an economizer in an HVAC system?

An HVAC economizer is a device that is used to save energy consumption. It typically works in concert with an air conditioner. Together, this solution helps minimize power usage. During the cooler months of the year, in many locations, the outdoor ambient air is cooler than the air in the building.

What is an economizer and what are its advantages?

Advantages and Benefits of Economizer The advantages of an economizer include: It recovers more heat of flue gases which normal air pre-heater can not do. Due increase in fuel prices, all power plants are facing pressure for increasing boiler efficiency. So by using economizer, this pressure can be minimized.

What is the advantage of economizer?

The advantages of an economizer include: It recovers more heat of flue gases which normal air pre-heater can not do. Due increase in fuel prices, all power plants are facing pressure for increasing boiler efficiency. So by using economizer, this pressure can be minimized.

What are the types of economizers?

There are 2 types of economizers: non-condensing and condensing.

What benefits do economizers provide?

Economizers can be fitted with special sensors that detect the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, registering increases as more people use the space. Beyond a certain level, the economizer will enhance ventilation by allowing more fresh outdoor air to enter.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of economizer?

Advantages of economizers: (1) It improves the boiler efficiency. It has been found that about 1% efficiency of boiler is increased by increasing temperature of feed water by 6 ˚C with help of economizer. (2) It reduces the losses of heat with the flue gases.

What are the two types of economizers?

Economizers are heat exchangers that transfer the heat in the flue gas to another medium‚ generally the boiler feed-water‚ although other streams are sometimes used such as make-up water. There are 2 types of economizers: non-condensing and condensing.

Where economizer is located in boiler?

Economizers are installed in the exhaust gas flow from the boiler. They take heat from the flue gases which they transfer via extended surface elements to the feedwater immediately prior to the water entering the boiler.