What is export file in NFS?

The primary configuration for the NFS server is the /etc/exports file. This is the file that you use to specify what directories you want to share with the NFS clients. The syntax of this file is: Directory hostname(options)

What is the name of the file where you create NFS exports?

/etc/exports file
The exportfs Command. Every file system being exported to remote users via NFS, as well as the access level for those file systems, are listed in the /etc/exports file. When the nfs service starts, the /usr/sbin/exportfs command launches and reads this file, passes control to rpc.

What is the etc exports file?

The /etc/exports file indicates all directories that a server exports to its clients. Each line in the file specifies a single directory. A directory can be specified twice in the /etc/exports file: once for NFS version 2 or NFS version 3, and once for NFS version 4.

What are .NFS files in Linux?

Network File Sharing (NFS) is a protocol that allows you to share directories and files with other Linux clients over a network. Shared directories are typically created on a file server, running the NFS server component. Users add files to them, which are then shared with other users who have access to the folder.

Where are NFS files stored?

On our machines all NFS file systems are mounted under /home/ machine-name / file-system , so in the previous example, machine_name was rigel , and file_system was bacon . NFS provides a means of allowing file systems form one system to appear on another. Again, this should appear transparent to the user.

Where is NFS configuration file in Linux?

Configuring a system to share files and directories using NFS is straightforward. Every filesystem being exported to remote users via NFS, as well as the access rights relating to those filesystems, is located in the /etc/exports file.

How do I find the export list in Linux?

To display all the exported environment variable of the current shell, execute the command with -p option as follows: export -p.

How do I view NFS share on Linux?

Show NFS shares on NFS Server

  1. Use showmount to show NFS shares.
  2. Use exportfs to show NFS shares.
  3. Use master export file /var/lib/nfs/etab to show NFS shares.
  4. Use mount to list NFS mount points.
  5. Use nfsstat to list NFS mount points.
  6. Use /proc/mounts to list NFS mount points.

How do I edit etc exports?


  1. Open the /etc/exports file in a text editor on an NFS client that has root access to the storage system.
  2. Make your changes.
  3. Save the file.

How do I export a directory in NFS Linux?

Exporting an NFS file system

  1. Verify that NFS is already running by typing the command lssrc -g nfs .
  2. At a command line, type the following and press Enter:
  3. Specify appropriate values in the PATHNAME of directory to export, MODE to export directory, and EXPORT directory now, system restart or both fields.

What does NFS provide in Linux?

Set up a mount point for the remote NFS share: sudo mkdir/var/backups.

  • Open the/etc/fstab file with your text editor : sudo nano/etc/fstab.…
  • Run the mount command in one of the following forms to mount the NFS share:
  • What are the advantages of Linux NFS?

    Volume Identifier – An NFS server may have multiple file systems or partitions. The volume identifier tells the server which file system is being referred to.

  • Inode Number – This number identifies the file within the partition.
  • Generation Number – This number is used while reusing an inode number.
  • Why should we implement the NFS server in Linux?

    – NFS allows local access to remote files. – It uses standard client/server architecture for file sharing between all *nix based machines. – With NFS it is not necessary that both machines run on the sam

    Which NFS resources can be exported?

    Network File System, or NFS, allows remote hosts to mount the systems/directories over a network. An NFS server can export a directory that can be mounted on a remote Linux machine. This allows the user to share the data centrally to all the machines in the network.