What is follow through in basketball?

In basketball your follow through is the last part of your shot. It is generally defined as the extension of your arm to shoot the ball and the wrist motion in releasing the ball. It also tells the shooter a lot about their shot.

Why do you follow through in basketball?

By holding your follow through, your elbow becomes fully extended, which allows for a more accurate and consistent shot release. Consistency is key – hold your follow through every time and you’ll become more comfortable than ever with your jump shot.

Why do you follow-through?

“Planning your follow-through can set up the end points of a trajectory that enables you to hit the ball with the maximum amount of force and control at the point of impact.”

Why should you follow-through on a shot?

The first step to ensure a good, strong follow-through is to properly execute your release. Releasing a shot effortlessly is easier said than done, but a well-executed release sets you up for a solid follow-through. That’s because it means you properly followed the steps for making a good shot.

Why do we need follow-through?

Following through ensures that people are doing the things they committed to do, according to the agreed timetable.” When we think of follow-through, we tend to think of taking action. But a large part of follow-through is about first figuring out how things will be done.

How do you actually follow through?

8 Ways to Stay Motivated to Follow Through on Your Goals

  1. Practice Self-Compassion.
  2. Reach Out to Others.
  3. Manage Your Energies.
  4. Tweak Your Habits.
  5. Rethink Your Roadblocks.
  6. Break Down Goals.
  7. Laugh out Loud.
  8. Savor Success.

When you follow through with a shot you need to?

The simplest description of follow-through is that it’s when you maintain aim, breath control, hold control and trigger control until after the shot has been fired and the gun has settled back into position.