What is getDescribe?

All are instance methods. getDescribe() Returns the describe sObject result for this field. getDescribe(options) Returns the describe sObject result for this field; the parameter value determines whether all child relationships are loaded up-front, or not.

What is schema describe calls in Salesforce?

Schema is a Namespace which is referred as Database. This namespace contains some classes and their methods to provide metadata information of Schema. Schema class deals with both bulk and single record means you can fetch all objects’ names at once or a single object name.

What is sObject type?

Sobjects are standard or custom objects that stores record data in the force.com database. There is also SObject datatype in apex that is the programmatic representation of these SObjects. Developers referes to SObject and their fields by their API names. EXAMPLE: Account a = new Account();

What is a sObject token?

sObject Token is something like when we are not aware of which Object We are using and what fields we are using. We can say that this completely depends upon the runtime and we identify each and everything at the runtime. For example, Sometimes we use a single VF page for different Object then we go for sObject Tokens.

What is dynamic apex in Salesforce?

Dynamic Apex enables developers to create more flexible applications by providing them with the ability to: Access sObject and field describe information. Describe information provides metadata information about sObject and field properties.

What is schema in Salesforce?

Schema Builder is a dynamic environment provided by Salesforce for viewing and modifying all the objects and relationships in your organization. The tool simplifies the task of designing, implementing, and modifying your data model, or schema. It’s also a helpful way for understanding complex Salesforce data models.

What is getGlobalDescribe in Salesforce?

getGlobalDescribe() Returns a map of all sObject names (keys) to sObject tokens (values) for the standard and custom objects defined in your organization.

What is Salesforce schema?

Schema Builder is a tool within Salesforce.com that is used to view and manage objects, fields, and relations between objects in a graphical interface. It is available in all Salesforce.com editions. Schema Builder is not the only option to view and manage objects, fields, and relations between objects.

What is sObject name in Salesforce?

The Account sObject is an abstraction of the account record and holds the account field information in memory as an object. Each Salesforce record is represented as an sObject before it is inserted into Salesforce. Likewise, when persisted records are retrieved from Salesforce, they’re stored in an sObject variable.

How do I get sObject type from record ID?

public Schema. SObjectType objType {get;set;} public void find() { objType = recId….How to find object type from Salesforce record id?

  1. Id myId = ‘0035A00003MuvnuQAB’;
  2. String sObjName = myId. getSObjectType(). getDescribe(). getName();
  3. system. debug(‘Object Name is ‘ + sObjName);

Which data structures describe sObjects?

You can describe sObjects either by using tokens or the describeSObjects Schema method. Apex provides two data structures and a method for sObject and field describe information: Token —a lightweight, serializable reference to an sObject or a field that is validated at compile time. This is used for token describes.

What is return type in Apex?

Return type is mandatory for method and if method is not returning anything then you must mention void as the return type. Additionally, Body is also required for method.