What is granular cell Myoblastoma?

A granular cell tumour is an uncommon, generally benign tumour previously known as granular cell myoblastoma. Their origin has been debated since their first description, but it is now generally believed they originate from Schwann cells (cells that provide myelin insulation to nerves).

How rare is a granular cell tumor?

INTRODUCTION. Granular cell tumours (GrCTs) are uncommon soft tissue tumours that are usually benign (approximately 0.5%–2.0% have been reported as malignant). They are very rarely found at the extremities.

Is granular cell tumor malignant?

Most granular cell tumors are benign (not cancer), but some may be malignant (cancer) and spread quickly to nearby tissue. They usually occur in middle-aged adults. Also called Abrikossoff tumor.

What causes granular cell tumors?

Granular cell tumors (GCTs) are soft tissue tumors that can occur anywhere in the body. They are thought to arise from the cells that surround and insulate the nerve cells in our body (Schwann cells). Most Granular cell tumors are benign (non-cancerous), although some may be locally aggressive.

What is the function of granular cells?

Granule cells in the dorsal cochlear nucleus play a role in the perception and response to sounds in our environment. Inhibition generated by granule cells, the most common GABAergic cell type in the olfactory bulb, plays a critical role in shaping the output of the olfactory bulb.

How do you get rid of a granular cell tumor?

Treatment is with surgical resection. With benign granular cell tumors, local surgical excision is curative, if complete resection is achieved; however, recurrence is possible even withclear margins. Wide en bloc excision is recommended for malignant lesions.

Are granular cell tumors painful?

The tumor is usually asymptomatic although some patients may experience mild pruritus or pain. A case of a large solitary painful GCT is reported here for its rarity.

What is granular cells?

Granule cells are the smallest and most numerous type of neurons in the brain. They are involved in functions ranging from processing visual and motor information to learning and memory.

What are granular cells made of?

Granule cells (save for those of the olfactory bulb) have a structure typical of a neuron consisting of dendrites, a soma (cell body) and an axon. Dendrites: Each granule cell has 3 – 4 stubby dendrites which end in a claw. Each of the dendrites are only about 15 μm in length.

Where are granular cells located in kidney?

Juxtaglomerular cells (JG cells), also known as granular cells are cells in the kidney that synthesize, store, and secrete the enzyme renin. They are specialized smooth muscle cells mainly in the walls of the afferent arterioles (and some in the efferent arterioles) that deliver blood to the glomerulus.