What is hence example?

hence adverb (THEREFORE) Peter’s leaving at the end of this week – hence his anxiety to get his work finished. The prime minister was attending the conference, hence all the extra security. He’s just got a pay rise, hence the new car. She’s just found out she failed her exams, hence her bad mood.

What is hence used for?

You use hence to indicate that the statement you are about to make is a consequence of what you have just said. The trade imbalance is likely to rise again in 1990. Hence a new set of policy actions will be required soon. Whatever is hidden is harmful (hence revelation equals security).

What does Hence why mean?

But another sense of the word “hence” (“therefore”) causes more trouble because writers often add “why” to it: “I got tired of mowing the lawn, hence why I bought the goat.” “Hence” and “why” serve the same function in a sentence like this; use just one or the other, not both: “hence I bought the goat” or “that’s why I …

How do you define word processing?

Definition of word processing : the production of typewritten documents (such as business letters) with automated and usually computerized typing and text-editing equipment. Other Words from word processing Example Sentences Learn More About word processing.

What type of adverb is hence?

Pro-form locative adverbs generally form a closed class and are particularly important in a language. Examples in English include there (meaning “at that place”), whither (= “to what place”), and hence (= “from this place”).

Is hence formal or informal?

Before moving on to the particular words, it should be noted that “thus”, “therefore”, and “hence” are all rather formal and much more common in writing than in everyday conversation, where they are almost always substituted by “so”.

Does hence mean therefore?

Therefore is common in mathematical proofs. Hence and thus have the same basic meaning and are often interchangeable. However, there is a slight difference. Hence usually refers to the future.

Why is hence formal?

What is word processing class 11?

Answer: A Software or a computer that enables users to build, edit, and print documents is a word processor. It helps users to write text, save it electronically, show it on a computer, edit it by entering keyboard commands and characters, and print it out.

What is word processing class 10?

Word processing is the ability to create documents using a word processor. It can also refer to advanced shorthand techniques, sometimes used in specialised contexts with a specially modified typewriter.

How do you use hence with punctuation?

There is, however, another, more common meaning of “hence”, which substitutes a verb but is not a clause in itself and is always separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma: Our server was down, hence the delay in responding. The chemicals cause the rain to become acidic, hence the term “acid rain”.