What is HLR and VLR in wireless communication?

Home Location Register (HLR) and Visitors Location Register (VLR) are databases that contain the mobile subscriber information as per the GSM architecture.

Which interface and protocol works between VLR and HLR?

It uses a protocol known as the MAP/B protocol. As most VLRs are collocated with an MSC, this makes the interface purely an “internal” interface. The interface is used whenever the MSC needs access to data regarding a MS located in its area. C interface The C interface is located between the HLR and a GMSC or a SMS-G.

What part do the HLR and the VLR play in cellular communication?

There is one HLR per network, although it may be distributed across various sub-centres to for operational reasons. Visitor Location Register (VLR): This contains selected information from the HLR that enables the selected services for the individual subscriber to be provided.

What is HLR in mobile communication?

Database in a wireless network containing customer data, including service entitlements and call-routing information.

How does visitor location register work?

The Visitor Location Register (VLR) is a database in a mobile communications network associated to a Mobile Switching Centre (MSC). The VLR contains the exact location of all mobile subscribers currently present in the service area of the MSC. This information is necessary to route a call to the right base station.

What is the interface between MS and BTS?

The Um interface is the air interface for the GSM mobile telephone standard. It is the interface between the mobile station (MS) and the Base transceiver station (BTS). It is called Um because it is the mobile analog to the U interface of ISDN. Um is defined in the GSM 04.

What is the name of the interface between RNC and MSC VLR?

The interface between the RNC and the Circuit Switched Core Network (CS-CN) is called Iu-CS and between the RNC and the Packet Switched Core Network is called Iu-PS. Other interfaces include Iub (between the RNC and the Node B) and Iur (between RNCs in the same network).

What is the necessity of maintaining two databases HLR and VLR at MSC?

The main role of VLR is to minimize the number of queries that MSCs have to make to home location register (HLR), which contains permanent subscriber’s data. The other essential data stored in a VLR in addition to HLR: a copy of HLR data, Plus. TMSI: Temporary mobile subscriber identity.

What is VLR in mobile communication?

A visitor location register (VLR) is a server in a cellular network that supports roaming functions for users outside the coverage area of their own HLR.

What is the necessity of maintaining two databases HLR and VLR in MSC?