What is level pool routing method?

Level pool routing is a flow routing procedure used to determine the outflow hydrograph from a level pool or reservoir (e.g., a detention basin) given an inflow hydrograph and the storage-outflow characteristics of the reservoir.

What is Muskingum routing method?

The Muskingum routing method uses a conservation of mass approach to route an inflow hydrograph. The Muskingum method can also account for “looped” storage vs. outflow relationships that commonly exist in most rivers (i.e. hysteresis).

What are the routing methods in hydrology?

Hydrologic Routing Methods

  • Modified Puls.
  • KinematicWave.
  • Muskingum-Cunge.
  • Muskingum.
  • Lag and K – a variation of Muskingum.

What is lumped routing?

Hydrologic (lumped) routing is a simple approach. Assume that the flow upstream is I, the flow. downstream is Q, and use a relationship of storage. to flow to figure out flows.

What is reservoir and channel routing?

These are reservoir routing and channel routing. In reservoir routing the effect of a flood wave entering a reservoir is studied. In channel routing the change in the shape of a hydrograph as it travels down a channel is studied.

What is channel routing in hydrology?

1. Channel Routing. Simulate the movement of water through a channel. Used to predict the magnitudes, volumes, and temporal patterns of the flow (often a flood wave) as it translates down a channel.

How is Muskingum calculated?

To calculate Muskingum Routing Equation, you need Coefficient Co in Muskingum Method of Routing (Co), Inflow at the End of Time Interval (I2), Coefficient C1 in Muskingum Method of Routing (C1), Inflow at the Beginning of Time Interval (I1), Coefficient C2 in Muskingum Method of Routing (C2) & Outflow at the Beginning …

What is Muskingum-Cunge?

The Muskingum-Cunge method is a method of flood routing that improves on the classical Muskingum method (Chow, 1959) by using physical-numerical principles established by Cunge to calculate the routing parameters (Cunge, 1969).

What is attenuation and lag?

ATENUATION. The peak of the outflow hydrograph will be smaller than of the inflow hydrograph. This reduction in the peak value is called attenuation. TIME LAG. The peak of the outflow occurs after the peak of the inflow; the time difference between the two peaks is known as lag.

What is flood and flood routing?

Flood routing is a procedure to determine the time and magnitude of flow (i.e., the flow hydrograph) at a point on a watercourse from known or assumed hydrographs at one or more points upstream. The procedure is specifically known as Flood routing, if the flow is a flood.

What is flood routing of a reservoir?

Flood routing is the process of determining the timing and shape of a flood wave. In a reservoir, this is done by accounting for the storage available in the reservoir, whereas in a channel, the flood wave is observed at successive points along a river.

What is difference between reservoir routing and channel routing?