What is marriage according to Ugandan law?

Marriage is the voluntary union for life of a man and a woman to the exclusion of others. The constitution of Uganda provides that men and women of the age of 18 years and above have a right to marry and form a family and are entitled to equal rights before, during and after the marriage has been dissolved.

What is Kibanja?

A Kibanja holder holds an equitable interest in mailo land which can be transferred with consent of a registered owner. It is worth noting that Kibanja is peculiar to mailo land found mostly in Buganda. 2 The following are also recognized as Kibanja holders before the law; a.

How many types of marriage do we have in Uganda?

TYPES OF MARRIAGE: Did you know that unlike many other countries that have 1 type of marriage, Uganda has 5 types of marriages and these are; 1. Customary marriage i.e kwanjula, okuhingira.

What is marriage according to family law?

Marriage also is known as matrimony or wedlock is a legally recognized union of two people in a socially and recognized process that establishes rights and obligations between those persons and also between their (if any) biological or adopted children.

Who owns mailo land in Uganda?

the Buganda Land Board
Mailo exists in western and central Uganda, with an estimated 9 per cent of the land mass being owned in this way. The mailo system is unique to Uganda. The Kabaka Mailo was land given to the king which is now owned by the Buganda Land Board.

How can you tell a fake land title in Uganda?

Here is What You Need to Know A genuine title, according to Ms. Nassolo: Must bear official signatures from the regional land office and official seals gazetted by the government. Must have a block number, blue page, and encumbrance page.

What is the criteria for marriage?

Before a marital union is recognized by a state, there must be consent or agreement between the parties of the union to be married. For consent to exist, both parties must agree to the marriage and there must be no mistake as to the nature of the union; no force must be used upon either party to enter into the union.