What is meant by viva voce evidence?

Viva voce is Latin meaning “with the living voice” and refers to evidence given by a witness orally, as opposed to evidence given in a written form such as an affidavit. Evidence given by a witness under oath or affirmation is referred to as “testimony.” Testimony may be either viva voce or in written form.

What are some examples of testimonial evidence?

Testimonial evidence is a statement made under oath. An example would be a witness pointing to someone in the courtroom and saying, “That’s the guy I saw robbing the grocery store.” This is also called direct evidence or prima facie evidence. Physical evidence can be any object or material relevant in a crime.

What does evidence mean in court?

Evidence is an item which a litigant proffers to make the existence of a fact more or less probable. Evidence can take the form of testimony, documents, photographs, videos, voice recordings, DNA testing, or other tangible objects.

What is the importance of viva voce in the field of law?

When applied to the examination of witnesses, the term viva voce means oral testimony as opposed to testimony contained in depositions or affidavits. Viva voce voting is voting by speech, as distinguished from voting by a written or printed ballot.

What do you understand by viva voce what is the importance of viva voce in the field of law?

Viva voce means an oral examination of the scholar following his/her presentation at the thesis defence, conducted in the form of interview and discussion aimed at ascertaining evidence and sufficiency of knowledge of the scholar about the research work the scholar has worked on. Sample 1.

What are 5 types of evidence?

The court recognizes these five types of evidence, as discussed in this piece.

  • Real evidence. Real evidence is any material that was used or present in the crime scene at the time of the crime.
  • Documentary evidence.
  • Demonstrative evidence.
  • Testimonial evidence.
  • Digital evidence.

What qualifies evidence?

By evidence we mean information, facts or data supporting (or contradicting) a claim, assumption or hypothesis. Evidence may come from controlled scientific research indicating some general facts about the world, human beings or organizational practices.

What are the two types of documentary evidence?

There are two kinds of Documentary Evidence, Primary Evidence and Secondary Evidence.

What is the advantage of viva voce evidence over documentary evidence?

The advantage of viva voce evidence over documentary evidence is that the witness is available for cross-examination, and thus the strength of the evidence may be tested. That is why credible viva voce evidence is sometimes given more weight than documentary evidence.

How to conduct the viva voce and write the report?

In conducting the viva voce and writing the report, supervisors should bear in mind the following. Examiners want to know that students understand any material that they have included in their essay. This is particularly important in subjects like mathematics.

What does viva voce mean in law?

When applied to the examination of witnesses, the term viva voce means oral testimony as opposed to testimony contained in depositions or affidavits. Viva voce voting is voting by speech, as distinguished from voting by a written or printed ballot. West’s Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc.

What is a viva voce interview in PhD?

A viva voce interview, extensively known as viva, is a verbal examination that takes place at the end of your PhD. It encompasses a committee of examiners of both sides, internal and external, who examine your overall work and make the decision whether your hard work is eligible enough to pass your PhD or not.