What is Mercury the Roman god of?

The Greek god Hermes (the Roman Mercury ) was the god of translators and interpreters. He was the most clever of the Olympian gods, and served as messenger for all the other gods. He ruled over wealth, good fortune, commerce, fertility, and thievery.

Is Mercury Roman or Greek?

Mercury, Latin Mercurius, in Roman religion, god of shopkeepers and merchants, travelers and transporters of goods, and thieves and tricksters. He is commonly identified with the Greek Hermes, the fleet-footed messenger of the gods.

Why was the Roman god named Mercury?

The Romans knew of seven bright objects in the sky: the Sun, the Moon, and the five brightest planets. They named them after their most important gods. Because Mercury was the fastest planet as it moved around the Sun, it was named after the Roman messenger god Mercury. Mercury was also the god of travelers.

Did the Romans name Mercury?

Names and epithets Mercury is known to the Romans as Mercurius and occasionally in earlier writings as Merqurius, Mirqurios or Mircurios, had a number of epithets representing different aspects or roles, or representing syncretisms with non-Roman deities.

What is Mercury in Greek mythology?

In Greek mythology, Hermes (the Romans knew him as Mercury), the son of Zeus and Maia, was the messenger of the gods and the mediator between the realm of the dead and the kingdom of the living.

What is Mercury famous for?

Mercury is the smallest and fastest planet in the solar system. It is also the closest planet to the sun. It is named after the Roman messenger god Mercury, the fastest Roman god. The planet Mercury was known by ancient people thousands of years ago.

Why is Mercury a trickster?

Mercury was the wily trickster of the Roman pantheon, patron deity of commerce and travel as well as messengers and thieves. Always pushing boundaries, he was as quick to fool the other gods as he was to offer them assistance….Parents.

father mother
Jupiter Maia

What was Poseidon’s Roman name?


Greek Name Roman Name
Poseidon Poseidon Neptune
Hades, Pluto Hades, Plouton Pluto, Dis
Hera Here Juno
Hestia Hestia Vesta